The Female Viagra Is On Its Way, But No Woman Needs It

Female viagra is pretty pointless.

By: Amanda Anderson

Regardless of all the recent advances in science and medicine, somehow still in 2010, the female libido still remains an unsolved mystery. A woman’s sex drive is so complex and difficult to fathom, even the “experts” want to throw a Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved “solution” at it.

Sure, Viagra may have saved the sex lives of millions of men who felt sexually deprived until the savior in a pill form hit the market, but there just isn’t enough evidence to suggest that a drug can do the same things for the sex lives of women who just have no desire to get down and dirty with their partners.

When the female Viagra was tested last week, the results confirmed the ugly truths of a woman’s sexuality:

A pill cannot and will not solve a sexual problem that is the result of a man’s inability to stimulate a woman sexually.

In a review posted online, the FDA says the two studies of the Boehringer drug failed to show any significant increase in a woman’s sexual desires. However, some women reported that they did have more satisfying and fulfilling sexual encounters after using the drug.

Amidst all the tests and inclusive data, there probably isn’t a woman alive who believes a pill can actually improve her sex drive.

And honestly, no woman should believe any of the marketing tactics these ridiculous pharmaceutical companies throw their way. The only reason this drug has come to be is because somewhere down the line a woman’s sexuality has gotten lost in the marketing schemes of pharmaceutical companies hoping to make a quick buck off women who aren’t familiar with their own bodies and clearly don’t understand their libido themselves.

It has been and will always be the responsibility of men to ignite the sexual spark in a woman. When it comes to a female’s sexuality, we need a reason to be excited, and there isn’t a pill on earth that can change those sexual dynamics.

Sure, there are plenty of women who have no cravings to be sexual, and no anticipation to initiate a sexual connection with their current partners. And that’s not due to any physical inability or medial condition; it just means their partner hasn’t managed to meet their sexual needs.

This disconnection between men and women can be solved when men begin to understand they too have a responsibility to please their partners. Sex was not intended to be a vehicle that only men could benefit from, and women deserve satisfying sexual lives as well.

But it will take true understanding of a woman’s body, the female orgasm, and every detail of a woman’s sexual dynamics to get to a place where the female libido is no longer unfamiliar territory. In the meantime, a pill just cannot do the job that was intended by nature for a man to do.

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