Jay-Z Compares Same-Sex Marriage Opposition to the Civil Rights Movement

Jay-Z calls opposition to same-sex marriage discrimination and compares it to the Civil Rights Movement. Do you Agree?

By: A.J. Niles

During an interview by CNN in Philadelphia, Jay-Z threw his support behind President Obama and his stance on same-sex marriage in the United States. Jay Z says during the interview:

“I’ve always thought [the fight over same-sex marriage] was something that was still holding the country back. What people do in their own homes is their business and you can choose to love whoever you love. That’s their business. [It] is no different than discriminating against blacks. It’s discrimination plain and simple.”

Jay-Z gave his support to President Obama while he was in Philadelphia promoting his two-day, Budweiser Sponsored Made In America Festival. The Festival will feature as many as 30 musical acts this Labor Day weekend and the proceeds will go towards the United Way.

It appears that major figures in the music industry and Hollywood are beginning to crank-up the fund raising efforts for Obama’s re-election campaign and it seems that many of them agree and praise the President’s historical stance on same-sex marriage. Last week, President Obama hosted a fund-raiser with George Clooney in which the Obama campaign raised over $15 million.  Despite words of criticism from various black church leaders expressing displeasure with Obama’s stance, Obama seems to be gaining ground in his re-election effort.

Do you agree with Jay-Z and President Obama? Let us know below.




  1. I really wish people would respect the differences between the Black struggle and the Gay Struggle. The only thing gay people cannot legally do is get married. Black people had NO rights.

      1. I’m not sure why you feel the need to reply to every comment I make on the subject. But doing so won’t change the fact that our struggles as blacks needs to be respected and differentiated from the struggles of any other groups. I am sick and tired of America trying to water down and forget about what Black people have been through and disguise it as a movement for gay rights. I don’t care how that makes YOU feel!

  2. I really wish rappers would speak out on the more prevalent issues in the black community like they do regarding their support for Obama. Why couldn’t Jay Z encourage black men to step up and be better fathers, become husbands or own businesses? That would be nice. Just a thought.

    1. How?! Aren’t there articles on here all the time regarding the shady murders of black men and wrongful incarcerations of black women in which the law does not protect them? The only thing gay people cannot do is get married. That is it! Let’s not be PC but be real here.

  3. I don’t understand why people are getting so worked up about any of this. Obama has always supported gay marriage but waited to say so for political gains. And Jay Z and every other celeb are only talking now for attention and to help Obama be re-elected since he’s he only President that would hang with them. You’d think the gays would be tired of everyone using them and their cause for individual agendas by now.

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