Camilla Poindexter Says Dominique Penn’s Husband Still Cheats

Photo Credit: Instagram

By: AJ Niles

Camilla Poindexter is back at it again.

On Mother’s Day, she had a shady response when a follower accused her of wishing she was in Dominique Penn’s shoes.

Click next for the details.

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  1. Donald cheats but that didn’t stop Camilla from messing around with him and having his baby so why would it matter to her now? She’s just trying to throw shade but it’s still obvious that cheating and all, she’s jealous of Dominque. Having a baby by an athlete was supposed to be a pay day for her and she’s mad that things didn’t work out that way. The lifestyle is what she wanted. Not monogamy.

  2. I see him at the grocery store all the time looking stressed out…I thought cheating was suppose to make you happy

    1. lmao i actually think cheating does the exact opposite..seems like to me it makes everyone involved stressed out..

  3. She needs more people. If she’s not pressed, then why is she always doing the most on the gram?

  4. It’s time for everyone to grow up and accept what happened now. All this back and forth is embarrassing for all of them. All three adults are acting like they are in high school.

  5. But how does Camilla know the wife is being cheated on? If she’s so unbothered why is she keeping tabs on her? She can deny all she wants, she’s mad as hell that man didn’t leave his wife and she’s super thirsty for attention.

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