Survivor’s Remorse Recap: M Chuck Has a Vulnerable Moment in Class + Cam Pops the Question

Reggie and Missy check out their potential property.

Now that Reggie is officially in on Chen’s deal regarding purchasing an old school and flipping it commercially, he and Missy go visit the prospective piece of property.

Both express excitement about getting the specs.

“With the right architect, it could be an amazing spot.” – Missy

Reggie gets a text from Cam asking him to head to the mansion so they can talk.

Before he heads out, Missy tells Reggie that she’s in “100 percent” on the deal.

“I have to talk to my parents. Oh my God, I feel so pathetic saying that.” – Missy

Cam is working out in the gym, and is having a conversation with a woman who works in a jewelry shop as he jogs on the treadmill. He tells her he loves the ring and he will have Squeeze come by to pick it up. Squeeze looks on as he eats another bowel of cereal.

Squeeze tells Cam he can’t pick the ring up because his card limit can’t handle the cost.

“Dude, it’s paid for. Just pick it up, bring it back, and hand it to me.” – Cam

Squeeze agrees and Cam instructs him to head right back from the shop and make no pit stops in between.

M Chuck has an uncomfortable moment in class.

In class, M Chuck and the rest of her classmates were instructed by their Freshman English professor, Professor Brown, to compose the first paragraph of their autobiography without writing their name on it.

At the beginning of class, he explains he gave them the assignment as an exercise and not a competition. He wanted them to use it to discover how they think and feel, so they can figure out how to better communicate their ideas and experiences to others.

He tells them they will all read each other’s work aloud without identifying who wrote it.

M Chuck’s classmate, Joe, picks up her paper and begins to read it aloud. In her assignment, she expresses that she has no idea how to learn who she is as a person since she still has so many questions about her history.

As Joe reads, she tears up.

Before he can get to the part about Cassie being raped, M Chuck snatches the paper from Joe and apologizes to him. She tells Professor Brown she has some tweaks to make and leaves the classroom.

She leaves the building, and continues to shed tears as she walks down the steps.

Cam tells Reggie his plans for Allison.

When Reggie gets to Cam’s place, he tells him he needs to take a seat. This bothers Reggie and he begins to think he’s about to get fired.

Cam assures him that’s not it and tells him he plans on proposing to Allison.

When Reggie says it’s “good” and “fine” to being the best man, Cam tells him he’s not acting excited enough. But Reggie assures him he’s happy for them but he will save his congratulations until the engagement is official.

Reggie then asks Cam why he wants to marry Allison and then tells Cam he has some good reasons.

He then asks Cam, “How well do you know her parents?”

Cam says not that well and Reggie explains the issue with that.

“I didn’t know my in-laws that well, and it has been a source of contention.” – Reggie

When Cam asks Reggie if he feels like explaining further his issues with Missy’s parents, Reggie declines.

“I’m marrying Allison, not her parents.” – Cam

Reggie lets out a hearty laugh.

He explains to Cam that how Allison’s parents interact in front of her, and how they interact with her is what she will expect from Cam. He also says that with them not growing up around their fathers, they think it’s “just great” that they are present in a committed relationship. However, that’s not enough.

Reggie also reminds Cam that marriage means for life, so he needs to make sure Allison is the only woman he wants to be with for the rest of his life.

He tells Cam to pay close attention to Missy’s mom before he pops the question. Cam is annoyed by this because he feels he’s ready to take the next step.

“I want you to sniff around, observe, learn. If you learn something that gives you pause, pause. Get a little more intel. Slow your roll.” – Reggie

Cam agrees to hear Reggie’s investment idea the next day but must leave to do his homework on Allison’s mom.

When Cam gets to Allison’s parents house, he looks on as her mother’s underwear is showing as she works on the flowers.

Once inside, Cam flat-out asks her how often she sleeps with Mr. Pierce in which she says, “Often, very often. Very, Very often.”

She assures him that the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree and tells him she will take his clothes off so he won’t leave with any doubts.

Cam tells her there’s no need and she then offers to just take her top off.

When he tells her it wouldn’t fly with Mr. Pierce, she tells him her husband is a “kinky motherf*cker” and proceeds to take off her top anyway

It is then revealed that Cam was dreaming as he wakes up in his car and sees Mrs. Piece working in the front yard.

He watches on as Allison’s dad pulls up and they passionately embrace outside. Cam gets out the car and starts walking up to the house.

Cam greets them and tells the he has something to ask them both.

Cassie is in her Catholic class and explains to the priest that she’s having a hard time getting confirmed. He tells her that the Lord told him to tell her to chill out.

Missy calls her parents and tells them she needs $480,000 from her trust for the real estate deal with Chen.

They tell her the deal sounds risky. However, she convinces them to get in touch with her trustee.

M Chuck gets a surprise phone call, Cam pops the question.

While doing homework, M Chuck gets a call from her classmate, Therese. She tells M Chuck she got her number from the class roster.

Therese tells M Chuck that she thinks she’s smart and funny and she’d like to hang out sometimes. M Chuck is delighted. They agree to hang out the upcoming weekend.

Cassie prays to Mary for guidance on her last corporal act of mercy. Chen walks in on her prayer. He suggests she visits Rodney in prison.

“You know I’ma need the jet, right?” – Cassie

Cam takes Allison to their first date spot and proposes. She happily accepts.


What are your thoughts on the episode?

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  1. I have a bad feeling about this real estate deal. Especially since that man told Reggie a couple episodes ago not to do real estate with Chen because you will lose all your money.

  2. Yes, its never a good idea to invest any money you can’t afford to lose. So investing all of anything is never a good idea.

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