Guard Your Heart

Guard your heart more than anything else,
because the source of your life flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23


The bible is very clear that the heart is very important to God. In Proverbs 4:23, it instructs us to guard it more than anything else. If the heart is so important to God and must be guarded more than anything else, why are we so careless with it when it comes to relationships and love?

There is an old saying that says that “We cannot choose who we love,” or that “The heart wants what it wants.” These sayings are conflicting to what God asks of us. He asks of us to guard our hearts, so in essence, we are supposed to be in control of our hearts. Under no circumstance are our hearts or emotions suppose to be in control of us.

The truth is we can absolutely choose who we love. Just like we choose who to be in relationships with, we must also choose who we decide to let our emotional guards down with.

You will also find that the bible states that life flows from the heart. Most people do not take the time to consider how much the heart impacts the life decisions that we make. If you choose to protect your heart, you will find that you will be able to avoid a lot of unnecessary pain. To live a life of fulfillment, only give your heart to those that are worthy. Take your time and truly get to know someone before handing over your heart. Your heart is way too important to God to be so careless with it.


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