By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The Super Bowl was pretty terrible if you don’t count Bruno Mars’ epic half time show, but social media probably tweeted about sports journalist Pam Oliver’s hair just as much as Bruno’s stage moves.
Pam is fully aware that her wigs aren’t satisfactory to many on social media, but she finds the whole situation pretty laughable.
She tells Philly News:
“It’s the psychology of it that I want to understand. It’s comical. This whole thing is just comical.”
She also says that she just does her own hair because she spends so much time doing her job:
“No, I wish it were so easy. It’s a process. I do my own hair and makeup – insert joke here. I’m up early. I’m at the stadium about 4 hours before the game, just going over some last-minute stuff and then waiting for some players to come out, which is generally 2 hours before the game.
“You’re out there, trying a to catch players, get some last-minute stuff, get your reports turned around quickly, and I may or may not have time to put on lip gloss or powder my face. I know TV is a visual medium, but there are times when you kind of hope that people are listening to what you’re saying as opposed to judging you if a strand of hair is not in place or if you have only got one eye lined or something.”
Pam also says that although she understands people feel she should look her absolute best on TV, she wishes her critics would focus more on how well she does her job than how well she does or doesn’t look. However, she says that it’s pretty unfair that men don’t deal with the same criticism:
“It’s just not even close. A guy can wear the same tie every other week and it’s not even an issue. But if a woman is on and a strand of hair is out of place or if there’s a little piece of something in your hair, people go crazy. It’s always been that way. It’s never going to change. Men get away with a lot more than a woman can.”
Does Pam have a point?
Spotted at Bossip
I honestly think the Pam Oliver tweets were dumb. We care way too much about other people’s hair. Even the way they obsess about Blue Ivy’s hair is pathetic. Smh.
They are always going in on Pam Oliver’s hair on twitter and it’s ridiculous. At the end of the day Pam is an excellent reporter and has a net worth of 4 million while these twitter chumps probably aren’t even close. Oh and Bruno Mars was excellent the best part of the SB.
$4 million?! Damn!
So she obviously realizes it’s dumb to spend a whole bunch of money on hair.
They did the same thing to Gabby Douglas while she was winning a freaking gold medal. They did it to Blue Ivy even though her life is better than theirs already at 2 years old. And they do it to Pam but she’s probably making more money than most of us and on TV everyday. I just think sometimes people just need something to pick on because they are miserable. Social media has people doing the most.
Nothing but ignorance and boredom. If people got their butts off Twitter and did something with themselves, they wouldn’t feel the need to make fun of others on there all day. Smh!
Her wigs are terrible, but I do think people made too much of a fuss over it. And she’s right. Women are judged harsher for how we look. We are expected to keep our hair done and wear makeup. Meanwhile men are looked at for their talents/accomplishments first. It really sucks.
Losers. Is this what it has come down to. Twitter is the freaking devil.
Hey, I don’t care what Pam’s hair looks like. She has more money than I ever will and she’s on TV. She’s already won in life. The f I look like dragging someone who is doing better than me? LOL.
Twitter is the place for trolling. That’s pretty much all people do on there now. But if it was them being dragged and made fun of, they couldn’t take it.
She’s phucking right. The only ones salty about what she had to say are the dummies who tweeted that bullsheit.
The self hate is real. I bet most of the tweets came from black women too. We will drag our own for the dumbest reasons. Instead of being happy for a black woman doing her thing, they have to talk about her wig. I am so tired of this!
Men were doing it too. I just couldn’t believe that her hair became the most talked about thing last night. Smh.
Is this what people do on Twitter? Thank goodness I deleted my account when I did.
No, it’s what WACK people do on Twitter.
They always do this to Pam. I don’t find it funny. It just shows who is superficial and ignorant tho.
I saw this everywhere. They slandered her on twitter, IG, and Facebook. And mainly it was black women doing it. I know I’m not perfect, but I just feel it’s not cool that we have become ok with making memes and ish out of someone else’s expense. People lack empathy. It’s just too much.
This is just another reason why I do not use any form of social media. I check news sites and I am on here. That’s it. I can’t deal with all the ignorance out here on these social media sites. It’s too much negativity and it can spread into your own life.
So sad. I can’t believe people cared about her wig so much.
I see no lies.
All they can do is talk about her wig. Instead of getting out here and embarking on their own success, they rather sit on twitter and nitpick on the successful. Time is money and that’s why they won’t have any. If you aren’t making money from social media, you shouldn’t be on there all the time hating on rich people. What kind of sense does that make?
I bet most of the people tweeting about this were bullies in school.
I stil don’t see what was funny about any of this.
Most of these people won’t step out the house until their hair is “laid” but they have no investments to their name. They’re broke. Living paycheck to paycheck. They need to get their priorities in order.
She’s on TV so people expect her to look more polished. But I don’t think people should have gone in the way they did. Obsessing over another woman’s hair is creepy as sh-t.
I agree with Pam. It is sexism and women need to either decide we want to move forward and shed stereotypes (feminism) or that we are ok with being nothing more than looks/hair, etc.
Smh. People just do the most. Ugh.
She would have a point if she was good at her job. But she is terrible. She adds very little meaningful commentary to the game and she sounds like she’s drunk every time she speaks.
I cosign with her 100 percent
She can still afford to buy a better wig tho…….
Not cool..just leave her alone if she looked as bad as people try to make her she wouldn’t be on TV. Besides I wish I had her job.
Sorry but her hair was awful. If she has a net worth of 4 million a 100.00 lace front won’t kill her pockets and it can at least look real while she is shaking her head constantly as she talks like she is trying to move that fake, stiff hair out of her face. Lets face it, if you”re on TV part of your job is to look nice, as well as be professional and get the story!
Yesss. If you can do better…do better.
For the few of you on here who are still concerned about Pam Oliver’s hair, what does you bank account look like? And if it doesn’t have millions in it, why are you so concerned about someone else’s hair? Me personally, I don’t give a damn about someone else’s hair. That’s HER head. Stop being pressed about what someone else looks like when you haven’t achieved half of what they have. That’s the problem now. Y’all stay on twitter talking about what someone else looks like but you’re struggling to pay your bills. Get a life.
Wait, y’all be spending hundreds on lace front wigs? LOL!!!!! My people stay losing. We spend more money on hair than our futures while the millionaires like Pam Oliver and Warren Buffet stay wealthy by not spending their money on stupid ish. Smdh!
I don’t understand spending hundreds of dollars on hair that isn’t MINE. But maybe that’s just me.
Honestly I feel like Black Twitter is annoying as hell. They sit on Twitter and act like everything they tweet is the gospel. Like what they say and think is so important. Y’all don’t know Pam. Maybe she’s smarter than y’all and refuses to spend hundreds of dollars on some damn weave! That is so pathetic to me. Just know that all that negativity you put out there about other people will catch up to you one day! Pam is good! Work on getting yourself good! Then maybe you wouldn’t have so much time to tweet about other people!
I can’t stand black twitter either. They think it’s ok to sit up there and tweet dumb ish to people. They are nothing but bullies and losers. I don’t even tweet anymore because I’m tired of how people act on there.
But why does someone else’s hair have them this pressed though?
Lol!! This is too funny. Everybody asking why you care about someone else’s hair? The same reason why you care when you are out at the club and talk about every female that walks in the spot you consider not correct. The same reason why when you don’t like a chick you call her a b-tch, the same reason why the first thing you do when you get mad at somebody is talk about something you don’t like about them. People, I’m not saying it’s right. I’m saying that’s what it is. But some people are gonna keep it real and others…..well. That’s the wonderful thing about opinions. They are like a-sholes. Everybody has one. Unfortunately on social media you are subject to, wait for it, even the a-sholes.
Girl bye!
Sorry, but that’s complete crap. Not everyone in this world is superficial or believes in being hateful to others. I don’t get on Twitter and talk trash about other people. I don’t call women out their names. I don’t go out and talk about what another person has on or what they look like. For what? How does that help me? And I believe fiercely in bad karma. I was raised better than that. I don’t do to others what I don’t want done to me. You call being mean and spiteful being real, I call it BEING SPITEFUL and mean. None of that is real. I’d love to see how you respond if it was you and not Pam. Now i know you and others like to pretend everyone does it because it makes you feel better about doing it, but to assume everyone behaves this way is ignorant.
The fact alone is getting on social media and obsessing about another person’s hair is stupid. That’s a fact. You can’t spin in. Sorry.
Social media has only highlighted that there are too many idiots, bullies and jerks in the world. But the good thing is they don’t make up 100% of the population.
See once again you got it wrong. I never said I did any of the above but I gave examples of things people do. You don’t have to be superficial to see someone may need a little help in the hair department. Me personally, I did look at her and say “What is wrong with her wig?” But that’s me. Guess what? I don’t have twitter account or instagram or all that other garbage because I got to much to do in the course of 24 hours that does not allow me the free time twitter or whatever. Those where my thoughts but that’s as far as it went. Now was it funny to me that UB had written about it. Hell yes! And I still shake my head about it. The bottom line is the woman’s head looks a mess. Secret… I used to do hair before I started writing urban fiction. So naturally I’m looking at her hair. What’s the big deal??
Girl Bye!
First, I am not a girl. I am a man. With that aside, it’s not superficial to look at someone and have an opinion but when people obsess over it on social media, that is very superficial and immature. All the tweets and memes were uncalled for. It was just taken too far. And I think deep down inside you agree because you didn’t participate, nor do you have any social media accounts. You even said you’re too busy for those things. You have a life, and you don’t have time to make fun of people on social media. So you’re much better of a person than the people you tried to defend. But I respect your opinion and we can agree to disagree.
God speed!