By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Phaedra Parks’ husband Apollo Nida is facing jail time for bank fraud and identity theft charges, but it was rumored not too long after he was arrested that more “Real Housewives of Atlanta” stars were being investigated.
Cynthia Bailey has been trying her hardest to convince folks that her husband Peter has nothing to do with Apollo’s alleged criminal schemes, but now a new report suggests that it’s actually Phaedra who may be going down soon.
Sandra Rose reports:
Confidential sources tell Sandrarose.com exclusively that the U.S. Attorney will grant “someone” immunity from prosecution for their testimony against local attorney and reality TV star Phaedra Parks. The source also said that Parks “will likely be prosecuted” on racketeering and conspiracy charges.
Here is the kicker: there is no statute of limitations on felony crimes that were committed years ago. The statute of limitations clock doesn’t start ticking until law enforcement becomes aware of the crimes.
This means Parks will likely be prosecuted for crimes that were alleged by author Angela Stanton in her best-selling book, Lies of a Real Housewife. Additionally, my source says prosecutors have a list of witnesses who are currently doing time in prisons who will possibly testify against Parks in return for a reduction of their sentences.
Of course all of this is just gossip for now, and only time will tell.
Sounds about right!
When it rains it pours.
I find it hard to believe Apollo was doing his crimes and she didn’t know about it.
She probably knew but she’s allegedly done this before and didn’t get caught while her little flunkies went to prison (Apollo included). She obviously knows how to look innocent. If her old people start talking, it’s a wrap for her.
IDK I’m really thinking Phaedra won’t have to go to court or jail…
I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t.
Nah Phaedra is smarter than Apollo. Best believe she covered her tracks if she did do anything. But Angela Stanton needs to sit down somewhere. She willingly agreed to be a criminal and got caught. She ain’t no victim, the people she stole from are the victims.
I agree with all of this.
And the pilot thickens. It’s going to be interesting to see how this all turns out.
Uh oh.
Again, I just don’t understand why Phaedra or Apollo would be THIS stupid. They were on TV and had legitimate money coming in. Now there kids will have to suffer for their bad choices. It’s just so selfish of them.
I honestly think they only did these things because they wanted to live a lifestyle they couldn’t afford. Both of them are materialistic as hell, driving fancy cars and living in homes those Bravo checks can’t pay for. Some people will cheat, lie and steal just to “look” rich. It’s sad.
You’re so right.
Crazy. Phaedra and Apollo really lost their minds if they thought they were going to get away with trying to cheat out the feds…
Well I guess next season will be interesting!
3 Thashy messy hoe’s and Jackie siting in the middle looking like the trashy mama she need to go and found her some trash her own age