Chris Brown Calls out TMZ

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Looks like Columbus Short isn’t the only one who has a bone to pick with TMZ.

Not too long after TMZ posted a story suggesting Karrueche Tran and Chris Brown’s mom Joyce Hawkins are reportedly worried about Chris hanging around gangs and pushing his therapist to help fix the situation, Chris has taken to his social media account to call out the website.

He posted a picture of the site’s founder Harvey Levin and wrote the following in the caption:

chris brown instagram

chris brown instagram 2

Although many seemed to agree with Chris’ comments about the website, he eventually deleted the Instagram post.


  1. Again, yes TMZ is evil but these celebs have to stop giving them the ammunition to attack them. Ray Rice shouldn’t have knocked his wife out in the elevator, and Chris needs to stop hanging around troublemakers. Once he does better, TMZ won’t have much to work with.

  2. He told no lies though. TMZ is a racist website and they feed off destroying black celebrities. Tell me why you can’t think of one white celebrity that they’ve ruined? Exactly.

  3. I actually agree with everything he said. But a lot of people will get on here and drag him anyway because they don’t like Chris. The truth is the truth and TMZ does have an agenda against black celebrities.

    1. That’s a weak excuse for his bad decisions. The media is brutal rather it’s TMZ or the urban blogs. Positivity doesn’t get as many page views as negativity, so TMZ and everyone else thrives off the bad stuff that keeps the eyeballs rolling in. If Chris wants to stay off TMZ, he needs to change his attitude and do better in his personal life.

      1. Of course you would say that. Let’s see what you say if TMZ ever gets an itch to treat Rihanna the way they do Chris.

        1. Rihanna has been eviscerated on TMZ many times before, but unlike Chris Rih a. could care less, and b. doesn’t let small sh-t rule her life. Chris needs to grow up, and stop giving sites like TMZ a reason.

          1. That’s not true. TMZ barely talks about Rihanna. You can easily go on their site and see the last time they posted about her was about the CBS situation and they actually were on her side about that. Chris is on that site at least three times a week and it’s always negative. And a lot of the times the information they write about him is false. They also make a story out of things that had nothing to do with him or his entourage. Someone was stabbed at his concert and TMZ made him the focus of that even though he had no control over it. Y’all deny the facts because y’all mistakenly believe being a fan of Rihanna means you have to trash Chris on here all the time.

          2. You see what you want to when it pertains to Rihanna, but the fact remains she gets the same treatment as Chris when TMZ decides to…they don’t discriminate when it comes to writing stories about either. But how you going to call folks out for trashing Chris as a Rihanna fan, when y’all Team Breezy are quick to do the same? Pot, kettle….

      2. I think you missed the point though. Chris is mad and said this because TMZ reported a false story. They completely made up that story about Joyce and Karrueche asking Chris’ therapist to lkeep him away from gang members. Chris has not nor has he ever been in a gang. He doesn’t hang around gangs either.

    2. TMZ is horrible yes, but when idiots like Chris give them the ammunition, they’re going to put it out there. If Chris himself, nor you fans won’t hold him accountable for his reckless behavior…best believe Harvey will do his job which is to report on it every time Chris messes up.

  4. Even though Chris is brings a lot of drama on himself he isn’t lying about TMZ though. TMZ is definitely biased against some celebrities especially black celebrities. He just better make sure he doesn’t get into anymore trouble because TMZ will be right there waiting to capture his fall.

    1. I agree. This is something else I felt as well…

      I’m not big on TMZ and I rarely keep up with their stories, but aside from hearing they report lies, I developed my own opinion of them when they released the video of Ray Rice and Janay. Yeah we can argue “don’t do blah blah blah and you won’t get called out” BUT they have no tact or regard for others. I’m not surprised to see some of the comments that they’re racist. Chris had a point. Period.

      1. Not to mention they repeatledly posted the Ray Rice story so even after another story TMZ would post the video again and played it like a vine. SAD

  5. He said the truth but people who don’t like him will pretend otherwise. They will never treat a white celeb the way they treat the black celebrities.

  6. I feel him. I’ve been feeling some kind of way about TMZ for a while now. It just seems like they have an agenda against black celebrities. And yes, they do lie and make up stories about people including Chris. I wish people would acknowledge that.

  7. That kid didn’t lie.Yes Chris is troubled but TMZ is the new age Slave Master. Look carefully how they report on Charlie Sheen’s craziness.. Always ends it with how giving he is. Chris helps out kids too through his foundation!

  8. I’m not sure which story Chris was responding to because TMZ also posted a story about the fan Chris pushed out of his way that tried to kiss him in the mouth. They definitely tried to spin that like Chris was in the wrong.

  9. Some of y’all need to really educate yourself on TMZ. They use racist titles all the time and even had a poll asking if it’s ok for whites to calls blacks the N word. Are y’all for real on here? Chris may be a douche and makes mad choices, but he ain’t tell not on lie about Harvey and TMZ.

  10. I’m so glad I seen this before going to bed. Some of y’all might not like Chris and that’s fine. I really don’t like Chris anymore but don’t let your dislike for him down play or undercut the truth he is saying. Some random girl tried to kiss Chris Brown. Somehow this led to a TMZ article: Chris Brown shoves woman in club. When it should have read Chris Brown blocks some stranger chick from trying to kiss him. Tim McGraw slapped a fan and it was funny according to TMZ smh but I’m sleep though. Goodnight.

  11. Never the judge or a juror. Bullseye Chris, Chris is a target for judgmental people, even though he was a victim of simple battery from this chic grabbing his face ,he’s still the angry one, for pushing her back. I don’t believe Harvey is the devil, I think he is doing a job people have shown interest in him doing, I do think it ruins people’s careers,especially when it’s not true ,and is unforgiving(relentless reporting).TMZ and other gossip entities, are not the gospel, the Grace of Jesus Christ is the gospel.Report facts with no bias TMZ….if you can do that …cool, that’s a journalistic edge, if not… reevaluate your practices .Grace and Peace in the name of Jesus Christ to everyone.Amen

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