Chris Brown Vindicated

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Chris Brown expressed on his Instagram account recently that he’s about fed up with TMZ, and he feels like the website has an agenda to destroy him and ruin his music career in any way possible.

One of the latest stories the site ran with was one in which it suggested Chris “shoved” a young woman for trying to kiss him as he exited a nightclub, but Chris says he feels the site is exaggerating what really happened.

Interestingly enough, the young woman is speaking out and she says Chris did not shove her, but simply protected himself from her unwanted advances. Mandee also says she wasn’t trying to kiss Chris. In the Instagram video below, she says:

“So hi my name is Mandee. And I am doing this to clear up a few rumors. I’m not trying file charges on Chris Brown. I grabbed his face to try to get his attention and say ‘I love you.’ I wasn’t trying to kiss him. But I do apologize to him for that.”



Mandee isn’t the only one speaking up for Chris.  According to Baller Alert, the promoter for Limelight Nightclub in Houston says he is not banning Chris and also wants to thank Chris for hosting that night.


        1. Not really. Just calling a spade a spade. Y’all follow this man on Twitter and keep tabs on him just to get on here and trash him. If Rihanna moved on, y’all should too.

    1. Y’all act like Chris is the only black entertainer TMZ goes after or makes up stories about. What most folks on here have been saying is that Chris constantly gives them ammo to work with. Right or wrong, his bad reputation precedes him. He was in the right this time – good for him. Now tell his a-s to stay the hell out of trouble.

  1. I said from the beginning I think TMZ really over exaggerated this. He elbowed her out the way, kind of like what you do in the club when someone violates your personal space. I’m sure she wasn’t even injured.

  2. She’s lying. She did try to kiss him but I’m glad she at least spoke up because sitting back and not saying anything when you caused all this for someone you say you love isn’t cool.

    1. You’re just upset this young woman told the truth and once again Chris was vindicated. Y’all want Chris to lose so bad. Why? Rihanna is doing well and she’s moved on. Let Chris live.

  3. Oh wow. That was nice of her. The shove didn’t look that bad BTW. They were hyping it up like he punched her or something. Yes, it would have been better for him not to do it, but when someone violates your personal space and tries to kiss you and you don’t know them, your first reaction will be to move them out of the way.

  4. I can appreciate her making the video but girl don’t lie. We all can clearly see you trying to kiss Chris. But at least she took the rejection like a G.

  5. I really wish the Rihanna stans and the Chris stans would let it gooooo!!!!! They aren’t together but they are still cool. This beef y’all have going on is so damn dumb. Let them both live and move on.

  6. Once again TMZ has exaggerated the facts to make Chris look bad. Like I have said Chris might be an a-s but what he said about TMZ is right and this proves it. TMZ has their favorites and targets and are extremely biased. Tim Mcgraw slapped a fan and TMZ laughed it of and tried to justify it because the lady grabbed his leg.

  7. somewhere in la la land her family is telling her how dumb she is and she should have just ran with the story and sued his arse. But i love me some chris, ppl just need to leave him alone.

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