By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
“Empire” is seeing a decline in the ratings in its second season, but the FOX show is still easily the juggernaut of Wednesday night television.
Gabourey Sidibe wrapped up with “American Horror Story” and secured a role on the show, and her character “Becky” is getting a lot more character development in the second season.
Becky has a love interest this time around, but unfortunately her onscreen romance has become somewhat of a punchline for some folks on social media.
The good news is Gabourey remains unbothered by the criticism.
Click next for the details.
I mean if she’s not sweating it then cool. But I do sometimes feel like she’s hired to be the butt of jokes.
She knows and doesn’t give a f-ck. So why should anyone else?
True. I think that’s sad though. Like the old saying goes, all money ain’t good money.
I don’t think she’s unbothered at all because she’s always responding to this kind of stuff. Yes, she is always booked but would they hire her if she was smaller? Like if she was a smaller, and sexy, good looking sista would Lee want her for his projects? I don’t think so.
Everybody likes to tiptoe around the truth when it comes to this woman. Let’s be real. She’s a walking stereotype and Hollywood loves booking her because of that. If she can sleep at night knowing that and doesn’t give a damn, it is what it is.
I feel like the whole point of the scene was comedic relief but Gabby wasn’t in on the joke.
Cosign. It went over her head.
I love her confidence.
I was fine with the scene until she tried to cock that leg up. *shrug*
LOL agreed.
Gabourey has a niche she’s going to keep working. People keep saying she needs to lose weight but her weight is why she can secure work and keep her bills paid. I like her because she doesn’t let people hurt her feelings. You can’t help but respect that level of confidence.
lmao i thought it was a funny scene
As long as her money is good, I don’t think she cares. She has really thick skin.
I cringed. I love Gabby but the tone and context of the scene seemed like Lee Daniels was making fun of her weight. I also noticed that on the Empire Facebook page they barely post any pictures of Gabby yet the post pictures of that Rihanna knockoff all the time and she’s only had like two lines this season. The shade is thick.
Yea I was kinda like smh when I saw her prop her leg up and then she rolled ova on dude….I mean come on!!!! And like someone mentioned she is the comedic relief….I mean why did they choose to her name her character “Becky” and then gave her hat bright a$$ blonde hair to go wit it…..smh but hey like she said she’s booked and paid
People have to understand what Gabby is doing is no different from other actors who play demeaning roles. To actors it’s just art. They don’t see it like we do.
Gabourey does not care what people think about her size. If she did, she would have lost weight after the Precious hype. So people just need to get over it. She doesn’t care.