By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The Bill Cosby scandal has a lot of folks debating and divided on social media, but the situation has sparked a lot of conversations on race in America.
There are some people who feel like Cosby is getting destroyed unfairly in the media, and it’s not a good look considering he hasn’t even had a chance to defend himself in the court of law.
But not every black person is feeling the need to defend Cosby.
And actor Michael Jai White hopped on social media recently and made some interesting points on the matter.
Click next for the details.
Not one lie detected! I wish more black men would speak up about this because a lot of them think being faithful isn’t manly or required and that’s really an issue for me.
That’s an issue with all men, not just black men. It’s the product of our patriarchal system.
While I will continue to wait until Bill has had his day in court to form a judgment, I can appreciate this. We have to start encouraging black men to be better husbands, boyfriends and fathers.
The things I would do to this man if he wasn’t married.
*standing ovation
I don’t think anyone can logically disagree with what he wrote. Bill was so busy telling black people what we needed to do to be better but his personal life was a mess the entire time. His wife deserved so much better.
I’m glad he admitted he used to be out here cheating on his first wife too. But it’s good to know he got his life together and now understands he must do better.
I thought I was living in the twilight zone for a second. It’s like no one wanted to talk about the elephant in the room. Bill dogged his wife out and he’s getting karma for it now. If he’s innocent, I hope his lawyer can prove it but none of this would have happened if he would have been faithful.
I am so glad he said this! I was a bit worried since most articles that are “——– tells the black community” are usually ugly & ridiculous! I agree wholeheartedly & I hope men take notice.
Yes, thank you. There are some black celebs with some goddamn sense.
He nailed it. It’s so refreshing to see this coming from a black man. Most black men are defending Bill like their lives depend on it. He should have been faithful to his wife because then he wouldn’t be in this mess now.
yas zaddy yasss
This is just too full of the TRUTH . Michael has all worked up ready to COSIGN the H E L L out of him ! There’s nothing that I find more attractive than a strong passionate leader ! That’s why I’m still married to Tupac..js lolz . Michael’s extremely intelligent and witty like myself I see .I form my own opinions period . After studying Cosby’s accusers and his own response in its entirety , I certainly believe he’s guilty as all H E L L . I don’t care what race he is , this isn’t the OJ era , in which I cheered for a guilty man out of oppression ..Bill is the biggest hypocrit on EARTH . Now NOGROWS ON THAT ISHT .