Sky’s Son Genesis Has More to Say

“Black Ink Crew” star Sky has been constantly saying that she’s wanted to reunite and reconcile with her two sons. However according to previews, Sky and her oldest son had a really bad reunion.

And as reported earlier, Genesis conducted an interview in Dutchess’ Pretty-N-Ink tattoo shop and disputed all of her claims, including being forced to give up her children. Genesis has been quite angry over how Sky allegedly and willingly gave him and his brother up to a foster parent in Texas.

In fact, he posted a pretty scathing post about the woman to Instagram recently.

Check out Genesis’ post below.

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    1. What I’m thinking is that Sky was pushing the lie that she gave up her kids for them to have better lives and that they were indeed living well and got to travel to all of these distant countries…when in reality they aren’t.

  1. He has bad genes. No amount of good upbringing was gonna change that. If the adopted mom was stealing, they probably did travel quite a bit. Rofl

  2. Sky is wrong for all this damn lying. She could have had even more fans if she kept it real. But instead she and Cease lie about everything. They are nothing but posers.

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