LHHMIA Recap: Veronica Says She’s Black After Doubting Amara’s Blackness

Trina and Trick do an interview.

She says that she’s trying to get her mind off her beef with her cousin Bobby.

They discuss the collaboration album. The DJ interviewing them says he’s excited about their music together.

Later, Trick says he still has feelings for Joy. Since she says she was so unhappy in their marriage, he decided to let her see what else is out there.

Trick says he’s not happy Joy wants to move on.

“I ain’t never want her to leave in the first place.” – Trick

In a green screen interview, Trick says he’s not going through with the divorce because he doesn’t want to see Joy happy without him.

“So tell her to see me.” – Trick

Trick wants to have another sit down with Joy.

Pleasure meets with the rest of Pretty Ricky.

He says he had to unfollow Slick because he’s been taking off his clothes on Instagram. Apparently he’s been doing this on stage too.

The rest of the group members tell him to calm it down and be less raunchy.

Pleasure brings up the fact that Blue has been doing business with Shay.

He feels Blue should have at least given him a heads up.

Blue apologizes for not doing so and the group decides to keep moving forward.

Gunplay is at a low point.

Now that he’s back on drugs, he’s turning to his spirituality to help him get in a better place.

He meets with a priest at the beach to give offers to Yemaya, the goddess of the ocean/the mother of all.

Gunplay thinks this will help him get some self-control.

In a green screen interview, he says he hasn’t seen Keyara since their blowup. He asked her to meet him at the beach so they can talk.

He wants things to go back to what they were before he moved back to Miami.

Keyara arrives and he asks her if they can clean up the slate.

She says she feels like he’s playing with her because she’s forgiven him for things many times. Keyara just doesn’t think he’s serious.

“I want you to go to rehab.” – Keyara

She says he’s going to be 40 in a few years and he’s getting too old to be making excuses.

Keyara reminds him that she’s been through her own struggles, like being shot multiple times.

Gunplay can either go to rehab or lose her.

Miami Tip tries to bring Trina and Bobby together.

A local radio station books Trina for an event, so they show up.

Bobby doesn’t want to see her but Tip says he should apologize to her.

He says he’s only hearing Tip out because she always has his back and things worked out with Jeffrey the other night.

Amara and Jojo clash with Veronica.

Young Hollywood is coming with Veronica. He tells her he’s on her team when it comes to her feud with Amara.

He says that he’s over people acting “ghetto” and he’s focused on his career.

Amara and Jojo are already there. They discuss the fact that Amara almost got into an altercation with Veronica.

“I’m really tired of all this drama.” – Jojo

Steph shows up and says she’s done trying to mediate the beefs now.

Amara tells her she hasn’t gotten to know the real Veronica. She says Veronica is fake and can’t be trusted.

Veronica and Young Hollywood arrive, and she immediately calls out Jojo and says she’s is ratchet and pretends to be rich.

She says that Amara will never be able to work with Young Hollywood again. Veronica also calls Amara a “fake a*s Afro Latina.”

At this point the ladies jump over the table and have to be restrained by security.

Veronica tells Amara to take out the extensions and she knows nothing about black culture.

In a green screen interview Veronica says they are all black and come from the same place.

Young Hollywood comes over to support Veronica. Steph then walks up on them and Veronica tells her she needs to stop hanging out with Amara and Jojo.

Jeffrey and Malik talk it out.

Malik feels he may have overreacted but he doesn’t want to be with Jeffrey if Bobby isn’t out of the picture.

Jeffrey says that Malik took a big step coming out the closet to be with him. He apologizes and says he wants them to be together.

In a green screen interview, Malik says their bond is unbreakable.

They hug and kiss.

Tip and Bobby go to Trina’s trailer.

They are escorted in while Trina gets her makeup done.

She greets Tip and tells her she’s done with the drama with Bobby.

Tip insists they talk anyway and leaves them alone.

Bobby says he’s hurt by what Trina has been saying. Trina says he’s the one who ripped her on Supa Cindy’s podcast.

He apologizes and says that no matter what, he still has her back because she’s family.

She accepts the apology and who he is as a person because they are blood.

Trick and Joy face off again.

Joy tells him that Trina told her he’s not getting a divorce.

“You f*cking with my life.” – Joy

Trick asks why she’s in a hurry and she says she’s ready to move on.

He expresses that he loathes that she says she’s happy dating other men.

Trick says no other man will love her right.

In a green screen interview, she says there is no hope for them.

Trick asks for a hug before he performs and she gets annoyed and leaves.

Malik confronts Bobby.

When Malik sees Bobby and Tip at the event, Malik decides to confront him.

Jeffrey fails to restrain him.

Bobby and Malik start arguing with a car between them.

Both dare the other to hop over the car and Bobby taunts Malik about Jeffrey spending time with him recently.

Malik then tells Bobby that Jeffrey is his man.

Security restrains them and Malik is escorted away. He then gets into it with production.

Shay and Joy throw hands.

Joy and Pleasure catch up at the event. She tells him that Trick is giving her a hard time about the divorce.

Dawn then rolls up with Shay.

She starts arguing with Joy.

Shay says that Joy is a snitch who had no business running her mouth about her hanging with Scrappy at the club.

Things get heated and both start swinging. Security quickly intervenes.

Shay then tells Dawn to let Trick know what Joy has been doing with Pleasure.

Trina and Trick perform together.

Season wrap up:

Joy says that she is tired of dealing with Trick. So she goes to see a lawyer to make the divorce happen.

Veronica says she’s not going to stop telling it like it is and if people don’t like it, they can “s*ck her d*ck.”

Jojo sides with her mother and gets cut off by her father. But she found another investor for her boutique.

Gunplay decides to go to rehab. Keyara goes with him for check in.

Pleasure P says that reuniting with Pretty Ricky has its ups and downs. But they are still brothers.

Shay says that she’s now focused on herself. She’s enjoying being single.

Prince is really focused on his career and eyes the top. He says he has ascended to king.

Bobby says he will always be over the top. But he know understands there are consequences to his actions. He regrets losing Jeffrey. But he’s happy to be in a good place with Trina.

Amara realizes that she’s strong and there are little girls depending on her to succeed so they can have representation.


What are your thoughts on the first season?

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    1. Sadly I have a feeling neither her nor Hollywood will be fired. Mona loves the controversy because it brings ratings.

  1. Umm no. Yes, the first human being’s remains were found in Africa but that doesn’t make everybody black. To say everybody is black is just bad science and ignorance. So is Donald Trump Black? Like seriously. Just stop.

  2. It’s so sad that some people are actually agreeing with what Veronica said. Veronica is a white Latina. Latinos come in all races. And having ties to Africa doesn’t make you black. All African Americans have some white in us on our DNA tests. Does that mean we are white? No. She does the most because she wants to say the n word in peace.

  3. I hope Veronica doesn’t come back next season. She’s ignorant and very jealous of Amara. Notice how it’s okay for her to keep long weave and extensions in her head but Amara can’t wear afro extensions without her having something to say.

  4. Veronica stay on that f-ck sh-t. But if somebody black didn’t cosign her sh-t before she got on the show, she’d know better now. Make no mistake, when white people say bold sh-t like this, some black person had a c–n moment and told them that sh-t was acceptable. She really thinks she’s black but has no idea what it’s like to be black. If she comes back next season, Mona’s a-s needs to be dragged.

  5. She’s black how? I refuse to believe that so many non black Latinos are this ignorant about race. Nope. I refuse.

  6. Meanwhile, Amara’s career continues to thrive. She has a new record deal, endorsements and a growing fan base. That is the real reason Veronica is so bothered.

  7. Veronica is another Hazel E. Just loud, ignorant and wrong all the time. It hasn’t occurred to her that carrying on like this will make sure she never has any success with that music career she wants so bad. Who is going to buy her music? I sure won’t.

  8. I just don’t understand how she goes from Amara is a fake Afro Latina to everybody is black. Weird.

  9. Veronica and Young Hollywood grad my gears. And why does Hollywood think Amara is ghetto for clapping back at Veronica but Veronica isn’t ghetto when she tries to be a fake thug every episode?

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