Reality TV
By: Amanda Anderson-Niles The K. Michelle, Memphitz, and Toya saga continues. K. Michelle and Memphitz’s past relationship continues to be one of the most talked about story lines on Love And Hip Hop Atlanta. Ever since K. Michelle exposed Memphitz as her abusive ex…

By: Taren Vaughan Joseline Hernandez and Stevie J. became the star duo of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta and are still the most entertaining pair to watch on the show. Karlie Redd and Benzino however sparked some people’s interest on the show, especially when…

By: Taren Vaughan Chad Johnson and Evelyn Lozada’s domestic dispute has been plastered all over the Internet for the past few days. The incident has resulted in Chad Johnson losing his spot on the Miami Dolphins’ team and the cancellation of the “Ev and…

By: Taren Vaughan Are Joseline Hernandez‘ parents to blame for her rough childhood? Joseline Hernandez has been quite the character to watch on Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. Throughout the show, Joseline has been knee deep in drama including firing Stevie J. as her…