When it comes to some relationships,sometimes you just have to walk away.By: Amanda Anderson It’s no secret that relationships are extremely difficult. Contrary to belief, difficulty does not even exclude itself from the more successful couples, problems will always be a reality for any…

Can President Obama get a second term despite the controversy of his proposed legislation? By: Amanda Anderson If you are like me (a political junkie), you probably keep a close eye on President Obama and his presidency. And if you are really like me,…

Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it. Proverbs 4:23 The bible is very clear that the heart is very important to God. In Proverbs 4:23, it instructs us to guard it more than anything…

The rate if Alzheimer’s in African Americans continuesto rise. Protect yourself. By: Amanda Anderson According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 1 in 3 African Americans will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. While the report states that these findings are not a result of genetics, they…