Floyd Mayweather Gets Into Another Domestic Dispute With His Baby Mama, Police Called

floyd mayweather domestic dispute

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Floyd Mayweather might have an amazing career in boxing, but according to his criminal records, his personal life and relationships with women might need a lot of work. Mayweather just wrapped up serving a sentence for domestic violence, after he got charged for domestic battery last December for physically assaulting his baby mama. And currently, the boxing champ is on probation for the incident. One would think all of this would be enough motivation to keep Floyd out of trouble and perhaps even keep him from getting into anymore confrontations with his baby mama.

Too bad that isn’t the case.

According to reports, police were called the other day on Floyd Mayweather for yet another domestic dispute. And who did Floyd Mayweather get into it with this time? His baby mama, again. Well actually, for the third time.

Here’s the report:

Las Vegas police last week responded to a 911 call made by a woman who said she was in a “verbal altercation” with the champion boxer.

After the argument , Mayweather fled with at least one of the unidentified victim’s personal possessions.

Police records show the incident happened about 2 a.m. Sept. 9 at 10059 Baystone St., near Southern Highlands, where the boxer lives.

Melissa Brim, the mother of Mayweather’s daughter, lives at that address, according to public records.

Brim, 32, has had past violent run-ins with the boxer, including two incidents that resulted in Mayweather pleading guilty to two counts of domestic battery in 2002.

According to the rest of the report, the cops say that they found no evidence of physical violence when they arrived on the scene. But how this will affect Mayweather’s probation is unclear at the moment.


  1. Isn’t he engaged now? Why are women giving this ugly woman beater the time of day? I tell ya, it’s sad that so many women can be purchased or willing to settle as long as a man has some money.

  2. Didn’t this chick just say a few days ago that she wants Floyd back? I don’t get why. He punched her in the face. What is wrong with these women?

  3. These two just cannot be in the same room with one another without supervision. My question is why is he near his BM at 2 A.M.

    Some one is creeping.

  4. This guy. I hope he was just over there for the kids, but something tells me he wasn’t. LOL, I hope his fiance has a backup plan. He obviously isn’t very faithful and that would explain why his baby mama is telling TMZ she wants him back.

  5. These chicks are going to learn to stop dating and having babies with the crazy a– boxers. This right here is foolish. I wonder if he puts his hands on his exotical fiance?

  6. Floyd is not a bright brotha. I think he might have taken one too many jabs to the skull. I have no sympathy for this arrogant, pompous AZZHOLE!

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