Rihanna’s Staff Says Chris Brown is Causing Her to Spiral out of Control

By: Taren Vaughan

Rihanna‘s reunion with Chris Brown causing her to act out of control? Talks of Rihanna and Chris Brown officially getting back together has caused mixed feelings amongst their fans and others that are merely trying to keep up with all the rumors that continue to circulate about the two and their alleged romance. As both Rihanna and Chris have denied dating each other at the present time, an Instagram photo from Rihanna’s Twitter page looked to tell a totally different story. A rekindled couple or not, Rihanna and Chris seem to be on good terms with one another yet they have both individually managed to irritate some of their loyal fans and critics all in one, Rihanna being dragged horribly by a “nameless” journalist over her 777 tour and by followers on Twitter for being too cocky. Twitter hasn’t been too kind to her ex-beau either as Chris Brown got into a heated tweef with comedic writer Jenny Johnson, one that resulted in the deleting of Chris’ account and death threats to the writer that are under investigation. As Rihanna is  supposedly leading a single life, it is growing apparent that she is spending time around Chris Brown. And those who work closely with the pop singer seem to feel as though her behavior is getting out of control and that her reunion with Chris Brown is a root cause of it

Here’s the report on Rihanna’s staff’s thoughts of her alleged behavior:

Rihanna is  spiraling out of control — and taking her staff with her.

A source in the camp of the 24-year-old pop sensation says fans, friends and  employees all have been questioning RiRi’s recent antics.

“She’s always been unpredictable, but it’s worse than ever,” says the source,  adding that “more than one” person who works in her camp is looking for a job  away from the Barbadian beauty.

The insider cites Rihanna’s inability “to keep meetings, even ones she’s  rescheduled, [and] be on time … to anything.”

“She’ll commit to something, and show up two hours late,” says one agitated  staffer.

A second source says “the Chris  Brown situation” has aggravated Rihanna’s behavior. “She puts her  family and [Brown] above everything else,” and “it really can affect  relationships and commitments, and make her and everyone else look bad. People  are fed up.”

Rihanna’s friends and those close to her in the industry have voiced their opinions about her reuniting with Chris Brown. And now her camp has spoken up and appears to think that the union is causing her behavior to take a downturn.


  1. Aww sh-t! Oh this is going to be good! I called this weeks ago. I’m telling yall that this time Chris Brown and Rihanna are going to destroy BOTH of their careers with this relationship. And I’m going to enjoy watching this trainwreck because I hate the way they did Karrueche! lol

  2. SMH. These two don’t need to be together. I have a feeling that this is going to end worse than the first time. Oh well. People tried to tell them.

  3. They are both bad for each other. And that’s how they should know they are not meant to be. If you date someone and your life goes down in flames, they are not for you. But because these two aren’t the smartest, they think that means the world is against them and they are “meant to be.” They really think they are the real life version of Romeo and Juliet. They will end in tragedy like those two did.

  4. They’ll destroy each other this time, there’s no doubt about that. But neither one of them had a chance growing up in the households they grew up in. Sad but true.

  5. I don’t think it’s fair that they are blaming Chris for this. Rihanna is messy and immature because that is who she is. With or without Chris, she’s a damn bird. She always has been too, they just did a better job of covering it up a few years ago.

  6. Two fools together NEVER works out. Chris seems to get most of the blame, but Rihanna is a certified MESS. They both need to date people that make them better. But they don’t want that because they think that’s boring. Smh

  7. This is why I did not want Chris back with this chick! She’s poisonous and she’s going to make his image even worse this time! Look how they are blaming Chris for this! Ugh!

  8. Yawn. Rihanna bores me now that she is back with Breezy. To me, Kim and kanYe are more interesting than these two.

    1. That has nothing to do with how an artist is behind closed doors. Her fans did that. But I predict it will be her first and last one after it sets in that she’s with Chris again and Chris continues to wild out like he’s been doing.

  9. Rihanna is arrogant and she thinks she is untouchable. She just can’t imagine herself being irrelevant and flopping. But it will happen, especially because she’s not humble and acts like an idiot. And I couldn’t care less. She tried to play a victim but she’s just as terrible as Chris is.

  10. I can’t wait until she gets her karma. She threw Chris under a bus and then chased him and broke up his relationship with Kae. I’m over her.

  11. How many times have we have been told certain things are not good for us, and we still did it anyway. Ri-has to learn on her own, like most of us had to learn. Once she gets older and wiser she will then see. Both of them are young kids, rich and have always been in the media. We can voice our opinion all day ‘negative or positive” because neither one of them is willing to let go (RI, Chris, Karrueche)but in the end really we have to pray for all three of them. If this keeps going on some body will be a baby-momma!

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