Rihanna Shades Chris Brown After He Parties With Karrueche in Paris

Photo Credit: Eva Rinaldi

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Just when it seemed like Chris Brown was winning, it appears that one of his lady loves is no longer content with not having him exclusively. Although Chris Brown broke up with Karrueche Tran publicly in October, despite reports of him getting back together with Rihanna, the singer has continued to spend his time away from Rihanna with Karrueche. A little birdie did tell us that technically that Chris Brown is a single man, but it appears that Rihanna thought she would eventually be able to shake Karrueche and finally have Chris all to herself. Much to her disappointment, that has not happened yet, and Karrueche being photographed partying with Chris in Paris didn’t seem to make Rihanna feel any more confident in her relationship with Chris.

Rihanna’s camp is telling various media outlets that Rihanna is “not worried about Karrueche because Karrueche is not in her league,” but we don’t buy any of that. We know Rihanna has to be embarrassed and angry that she put her career on the line only to end up sharing Chris Brown and not even getting him to commit to her. And the whole time he’s being seen with Karrueche, Rihanna just looks more foolish to the public. What should have been a romantic reunion is now nothing more than an embarrassing train wreck for an international superstar. But Chris did say he loved them both, and maybe that should have been a red flag to Rihanna.

Regardless, Rihanna has been ranting and sending cryptic messages on Twitter and Instagram instead of walking away from a pretty toxic situation.

And her latest tweet sure does read like some shade to Chris Brown:


  1. Both of these chicks are dyck drunk. Hell, Chris is too because he’s in love with himself! They need to cut the string and show Chris that he can’t do what he wants. But neither will do that because Rihanna feels like she has something to prove to Kae and Kae obviously wants to get even with Rihanna. It’s all one big waste of their time. Life’s too short for this here. Get a real man ladies.

  2. She’s so stupid. Don’t tweet all this “wisdom” and sh-t when you still won’t walk away from a toxic relationship. He had committed every wrong possible (whopped your a–, cheated on you, and humiliated you in public) but you still won’t walk away! Why? You’re such a joke Rihanna.

  3. Rihanna still doesn’t get it…he’s not that into you. If he was, he’d be yours and only yours. That was never the case. He cheated on you then and he’s doing it now because he still doesn’t think you’re “it.” And it’s easy to see why when not only have you agreed to be his punching bag, but you’re willing to compete with another woman. I wouldn’t want you either.

  4. Rihanna’s like 25 right?! Why is she still chasing Chris and wanting a BOY? She needs to get herself a man and stop acting so damn desperate. At 25, most women are getting settled in their careers and get married.having babies. Rihanna is supposed to be “more successful” than the average woman, but she chases a man who punched her in her face in her spare time. But she’s winning? Oh.

  5. So sad…I have really lost all respect for Rihanna. I liked her best when she could dress and was pulling handsome professional baseball players. Oh well.

  6. Her tweet reeks of low self esteem and shows that she hasn’t reached womanhood yet. A WOMAN is always in control of her emotions. She doesn’t let a man make her feel any kind of way because she uses logic when it comes to dating. Chris has shown her multiple times that he is not the one for her. There’s something about Rihanna that Chris is unsure of. And that is why there’s a hold up of them being back together. She needs to accept that and move on. It’s not our job to convince a man that we are the one for him. He has to see that on his own. If he doesn’t, move the hell on like a real woman.

  7. F-ck you Rihanna! You knew he was happy and had moved on with Kae but you had to stick your big fivehead in to mess that up! So burn! Nobody cares. The next time someone has a gf, you’ll sit that big waterhead a– down somewhere, won’t you?! Stop trying to make him out to be the bad guy when you caused all of this!

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