Frank Ocean Wants to Press Charges on Chris Brown, While Video May Prove Chris’ Innocence

Photo Credit: Fred von Lohmann
Photo Credit: Fred von Lohmann

By: Taren Vaughan

Frank Ocean wants Chris Brown to be charged over fight? It has been a known fact that Chris Brown and Frank Ocean are not industry homies ever since they got into a Twitter beef over comments that Frank made in reference to Chris Brown’s past abuse of his ex-girlfriend Rihanna. And the talk of a Chris Brown Frank Ocean beef escalated even more after Chris Brown was accused of using homophobic slurs, dissing Frank Ocean shortly after the singer revealed that he was gay through a letter that he posted from his Tumblr account. While Chris Brown denied ever using the slurs against Frank Ocean, the singers are on even worse terms as of now as they reportedly got into a fight that was said to be over a parking space outside of a studio in Los Angeles. Once the news reached the media, conflicting stories were relayed concerning the brawl that took place, members from Chris’ entourage saying that Chris acted out of self defense. Frank Ocean spoke out on the incident as well, claiming that he got jumped by Chris and some of his friends and that he suffered a cut finger from it.

Chris Brown, unlike how he reacted to the infamous bar brawl that he was involved in with Rapper Drake at a New York nightclub, took a different approach with this one and says that he is not letting all the “negativity” surrounding the situation get the best of him as he continues to work on his new music. While it is still unclear as to who actually started the fight, Frank Ocean is wanting Chris Brown to face charges over the brawl according to reports:

No charges have yet been filed, but Ocean “is desirous of prosecution in this incident,” said Los Angeles County Sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore.


In related news, Chris Brown’s lawyer tells TMZ that Chris is ready to talk to police about the brawl and also claims that they have proof via a surveillance camera that Chris never lifted a hand in the altercation, and the brawl merely consisted of two entourages fighting in a parking lot, as Frank Ocean is seen not throwing any punches in the video either.


  1. They both need to just drop it. Frank was the one who went looking for Chris last year at another music studio and ended up getting chased off by his cousins. I don’t believe for a second that he didn’t start this too.

  2. LOL that is the problem Drea he aint no man. He acting like a girl. He been gunnin for chris to up his celebrity. Go sit down Frank and continue singing to your ment

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