‘N Sync’s Lance Bass Calls Chris Brown out for Using Homophobic Slur

Photo Credit: Eva Rinaldi
Photo Credit: Eva Rinaldi

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Chris Brown may have caught a major break after he escaped catching any charges for his fight with Frank Ocean (Frank confirmed on his blog that he would not be pressing charges), but that hasn’t stopped people from talking about the incident.  Even after it was confirmed by the police department that no charges would be filed on either side, more details began to leak regarding the altercation. In a police report filed by Frank Ocean, he claims Chris called him a “f*ggot.” Although Frank reportedly accused Chris of also sleeping with men, the allegations have made many people of the gay community (and its supporters) very upset that Chris has once again been accused of using homophobic language.

One person in particular who didn’t appreciate the alleged comments made by Chris is former ‘N Sync singer Lance Bass. Lance came out the closet a few years ago, and he expressed in a recent interview that he is insulted that Chris would use that kind of language. He also suggests that he feels calling someone the “F” word is just as bad as calling someone the “N” word.

In a recent interview with Celebuzz, he says:

“Calling people f*ggot and that stuff, I mean, he may not even mean what he means, but it’s a derogatory term that people throw out there and without even knowing why they are saying it. But when it comes to Frank Ocean and knowing that he’s … very out … it was definitely meant to hurt him. It’s never good to throw those words out there that mean so much.

“[Brown] should understand that being a black man himself. He should know that the F word is just like calling you the N word in a very derogatory way. When you come from a minority like that, being gay or black or whatever, it’s like there should be an understanding, like we all get each other. But you don’t see that a lot, which is really sad.”


Lance also goes on to suggest that he feels Chris still has some major anger issues and he feels Rihanna doesn’t seem to understand that she’s in an abusive relationship:

“I think there are a lot of people out there that have anger issues, and you can definitely see that in Chris Brown. I hope he gets the help he needs. I hope Rihanna understands what she is in. I see it happen so many times in couples, where it’s like an abusive relationship and you don’t know it’s an abusive relationship.”


  1. I really don’t like when the gays compare the struggles to the our struggles. I think both movements deserve their own identity and shouldn’t be compared. I do agree with him on everything else. Rihanna truly doesn’t act like she understands her relationship is an abusive one.

  2. I don’t agree that f*g is the equivalent to the “n” word. We were actually slaves and had to endure that word for many years before we got the freedom our ancestors fight for. There’s a long history attached to that word. No one can say the same for the “f” word. I strongly disagree with him on that. But everything else, I agree with. Chris does still have anger issues, and Rihanna does seem to be naive, but that’s their problem.

  3. I’ve always felt like men who use the f word are really gay themselves and too scared to come out the closet. Hmm…

  4. Please not comparing our struggle with gays, Hispanic’s ect…No one’s struggle is like ours……Secondly, You or No one else is GOD… GOD has forgiven you – for your many mistakes…..Rihanna, has forgiven him, like GOD for gave her. STOP JUDGING them. This is their life……….WHY!!!! do so many people dis-like him, he did not hit YOU……Let GOD handle him….he will face his DEMONS…..the MEDIA is making money off of his mistake he made 3…..3……years ago. Leave them alone. and let GOD handle him……

  5. i like Lance. I agree with some of the comments he made and some made by the folks here. Being black and gay is a struggle in itself at times. At the end of the day people are all people we all have struggles.. and just because one struggle is unimportant to you does not make it unimportant for the next person. Peace to all though.

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