Yandy Smith Pens Letter About Mandeecees Child Molestation Accusations

Photo Credit: @yandysmith Instagram
Photo Credit: @yandysmith Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

It’s been a crazy few week for reality television star and savvy business woman Yandy Smith. The Love and Hip Hop star’s boyfriend and baby daddy was accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl. Although Mandeecees was found not guilty and acquitted of the charges, it appears that there are still people who believe he’s guilty and they have no problems finding Yandy on Twitter and telling her about it. Although Yandy was silent on the matter for most of it, she broke her silence for the first time just minutes after it was announced that her boyfriend would be acquitted of the charges. And she also had no problems putting people in their place for calling him guilty when the jury found him innocent.

Well it appears that Yandy has more to say on the subject. The other day, she took to her blog Everything Girls Love to pen a letter to her faithful supporters, and let them know that she plans to do something positive with the situation that has been pretty negative for her and her family.

Here’s a snippet of what she wrote:

“The past few weeks have been some of the hardest days, hours, and minutes of my life. I found myself torn between a man that I know and love, and an accusation that makes me sick to my stomach. I hoped and prayed that someone I loved so dearly could not be guilty of such a disgusting and shameful act… I hoped, but I did NOT assume.

“I chose to stay silent until I was able to hear both sides and form my own opinion. I went to court every single day; I listened intently to the case from both sides ready to face whatever truth was revealed.

“In the end, the truth is Mendeecees Harris may be many things, but he is NOT guilty of the heinous accusations made against him. I won’t get into much detail because at the other side of this is a young woman that regardless of the outcome, remains broken. I pray that she is able to move past this and realize her full potential and I pray that the world is able to accept that in this case justice was served.”


Yandy also clarified that she would not knowingly support any person that does anything harmful to children. She also announced that she is launching a non-profit organization to help young at risk girls:

As a woman, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and a human being, it breaks my heart when I hear of crimes committed against children. There is nothing worse than offenses against those whose lives are so precious and who look to us to guide them and help them understand the world. Children that are abused are robbed of their innocence, their childhoods, and their self-esteem. They’re robbed of their optimism and dreams and forced to see the evils of the world before they can see the beauty.

“My life has been and will continue to be devoted to empowering women and helping young women to aspire to accomplish and go after their dreams and because of this, I would never knowingly or willingly support or condone any behavior contrary to the very things I stand for. I am so thankful to the people who supported us and stood by our side through what was an extremely overwhelming and challenging time.

There is no time more fitting than now to introduce something that is dear to my heart. I want to build up the spirits of some of those broken young girls. I want to inspire the ones that are strong and I want to further encourage those that seek to be educated and stimulated. The EGL team and I have been diligently working on our Mentoring program The EGL P.U.D. Initiative (Partners Uplifting Our Daughters), which is set to launch this spring.”


  1. Yandy can write all the letters she wants to, but the truth is some people are still going to believe he did it. She has to accept that and get used to it. We live in a society where it’s “guilty until proven innocent.”

  2. Wishing Yandy the best. I like her but I feel like she could have done a lot better than Mandeecees. But the heart wants what the heart wants.

  3. Well you can’t date a street dude and expect him not to get into trouble. That’s what they do. Even though he’s free from the child molestation charges, he could be locked away from the drug ones. He’s handsome, but she could have done better. This is too much.

  4. People kill me stating she can do better than him. Better than what? In all fairness, Yandy is not all of that and has flaws and fouls like the next human being. He seems like a nice enough and respectful guy. She seems happy that people will stop insinuating that Jim Jones was hitting it and she actually does have a man who’s into her. Although he is handsome and a bit immature, I would like to think this young man is innocent. The worse charges a black man can get are child molestation charges as no one knows the truth accept those that are involved. I wish them and the young lady well.

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