Rihanna on Chris Brown: I Didn’t ‘Accept’ Anything!

Photo Credit: @badgalriri Instagram
Photo Credit: @badgalriri Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Rihanna and Chris Brown have both confirmed that they are back together and as a result of their rekindled romance that ended so tragically in 2009, the couple is having to deal with intense criticism from skeptics who don’t seem to believe that Chris Brown is as “different” as Rihanna says he is. Rihanna has made it clear in her recent interviews that she understands that they will have plenty of critics, but it’s something that she’s willing to endure just to do what she says she feels is best for her. Regardless of the what the critics say, Rihanna says if it’s a mistake it’s her mistake to make.

In a recent interview with Elle (Rihanna covers the April issue), the singer talks candidly about why she decided to give her romance with Chris Brown another chance. She also opened up about how she feels about the criticism she is facing as a result of her choice, and just why she thinks she made the best decision for her personal life in taking back the R&B singer.

Rihanna wants to make it clear that taking Chris back doesn’t mean she’s accepting what he did to her in 2009, although plenty of people tend to disagree with her on that, in the interview it’s clear that the belief that she’s weak for taking Chris back bothers her quite a bit.

Rihanna feels she’s not accepting Chris’s violent past, and insists that it’s nothing more than forgiveness. She says:

“No, I didn’t ‘accept’ anything! I’m not accepting anything that’s wrong! What’s wrong is wrong, no matter who it’s coming from and that’s just that.”


The singer also confirmed that her song “Stay” was inspired by her relationship with Chris Brown:

“Stay is a story about having love that close and wanting it to last forever. You don’t have that feeling with everybody so when you have it you don’t want to let go of it. I would definitely say that he [Chris Brown] is the one I have that kind of relationship with.”


  1. Actually forgiveness & taking him back is a form of acceptance…but um whatever helps her sleep at night. #shrugs

  2. Rihanna is starting to come off like she’s letting the criticism get to her. How many months is she going to waste trying to explain HER choice to people? As gangsta as she acts on IG you’d think she wouldn’t be doing all of this explaining.

    1. She’s human! She in love and it’s hard to watch the person you love get dogged do bad constantly by people that don’t even know him! It doesn’t make her weak to feel that way, it makes her human!

  3. OMG we get it! Please make her stop with all these damn interviews about Chris! She’s getting boring.

    1. Right. I don’t know if there’s anything else for her to say about him. They’re together…ok, let’s move on.

  4. Girl please. You most certainly are accepting what he did to you. Forgiveness does not require that we keep toxic people in our life. It just means we don’t allow the situation to have power over us. It’s ok. You’re grown and you have a right to do what you want to do. Just stop explaining it.

  5. Sigh…is this what it’s going to be now? Rihanna pulling a Kim K. and talking more about her relationship than herself and career in her interviews? I can see why Kim does it (she doesn’t have a real career) but Rih does. This is getting stupid. It’s like her relationship is more relevant than her music. It shouldn’t be that way. She needs to tell her PR people to start keeping these interviews more targeted towards her music.

  6. I disagree but whatever. She wanted him back so badly that I’m sure she knows no interview is going to change the damage that’s already been done. So I’m not sure why she’s wasting her breath. Accept it and move on.

  7. I don’t think she accepted anything either. They were broken up for like two years. She didn’t take him back until she felt he changed. Cut her some slack.

  8. Enough. There’s nothing she can do to change people’s perceptions of Chris. He has to do it himself. They are doing way too much damage control.

  9. I don’t understand why she pull that sh-t that it ain’t you business, and in all interviews she is trying to explain why she took him back…She does care what people say or think about her and this situation…I just hope this works out between them….But thats to much to ask….now they’re in the honeymoon fase and everybody is on their case, but all of this pass, it will go back to that toxic relationship….SMH


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