Paternity Case Against Michael Jordan Gets Dismissed

Photo Credit: Barbara Moore
Photo Credit: Barbara Moore

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

As we recently reported, NBA legend Michael Jordan has been making headlines as of late for a paternity case by a woman who claims he is the biological father to her 16-year-old son. According to the paternity lawsuit that was filed, Pamela Smith claims she allegedly got pregnant by Michael while he was married and she was seeking to sue the basketball star for child support and she also wanted him to pay her son’s medical expenses. The suit was also an emotional one as the 16-year-old (who goes by the nickname Taj) said that all he really wants is to be acknowledged and treated like part of the family. Pamela Smith, however, was also seeking to get the judge to give her son the right to use the “Jordan” last name.

Michael Jordan responded to the paternity suit and requested that it be dismissed. Through his attorney, he released a statement denying that the boy is his son, and stated that Pamela claimed in her divorce papers that the father of Taj is actually her ex husband. Regardless, Pamela requested that Michael Jordan would be required to take a DNA test, so they could finally get things rolling.

Well it looks like things may have come  to a halt for now because according to TMZ, Pamela Smith has dismissed her case:

“TMZ has learned Pamela Smith has filed legal documents in Georgia asking the judge to dismiss her case against MJ — and her request was granted without prejudice (meaning she can refile at a later time if she wants to).

It’s unclear why Pamela wanted the case dismissed — considering she had recently asked the court to order a DNA test ASAP.

It’s possible MJ and Pamela reached some sort of settlement … or agreed to halt legal action while they try to work things out. It’s also possible she simply decided to walk away thinking she would lose in court. We simply don’t know.”


    1. Or she knew she didn’t have a strong case. They did say another man had already claimed the boy during the divorce.

      1. Thank you. We have stop assuming that the women who come forward with these things are always telling the truth.

        1. On point I agree and why did she wait so long for if it was really his son smh that not a woman the hoe a-s jump off trying to make a come up

    1. It has to be all about money. Why would they dismiss the case and not fight for the public acknowledgment they claimed they wanted so bad? Smh.

  1. Well had MJ kept his thang in his pants and had Pamela not been an opportunist who didn’t mind sleeping with a married man, this would have never happened.

  2. If she did agree to a settlement, she’s not very smart. She wanted child support, rights to the Jordan name, and money for medical costs.And then he still isn’t going to be claimed publicly. Fail.

  3. I think she was paid off yall. And if he doesn’t commit to paying, she’ll just re-file the suit. Oh well.

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