Chris Brown Says He’s No Longer Arrogant & Hotheaded

Photo Credit: @chrisbrown Twitter
Photo Credit: @chrisbrown Twitter

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

After Chris Brown assaulted his girlfriend Rihanna in 2009, it’s clear his image and reputation took a massive hit. No longer would the young R&B singer be perceived as the extremely talented safe singer, instantly he became a bad boy. And it kind of seemed like Chris was attempting to embrace his new bad boy image because he was still getting in physical altercations with other artists and throwing temper tantrums on his Twitter and Instagram accounts. Although he managed to gain forgiveness from Rihanna in such a public way with the rekindling of their romance, it’s clear that there’s still plenty of people who refuse to forget what happened in 2009, less alone forgive him for it. Chris gets it and says that’s not going to bring him down anymore, but recent situations such as the confrontation he had with a parking valet aren’t helping his claims that he’s a changed person. But in a recent interview with “On Air With Ryan Seacrest,” the star says he blames his violent incident with Rihanna on being hotheaded and arrogant, two things he speaks on in past tense, suggesting that he’s no longer the angry person he was back then. Regarding the assault, Chris says:

“I could put that on my age, but that would just be making an excuse. I think for me that at age 18, 19, I was capable of writing and producing songs, so I’m also capable of making the right choices. So I think it’s about a learning process now. Being at that young age, I can tell you I was arrogant and definitely hotheaded. Everybody has a temper, but for me it was not knowing how to control it when I thought I had the world in my hands.”


Chris also elaborated on what happened with the parking lot valet and insists he’s a great tipper despite what the reports claim:

“Okay, so I can elaborate on the situation. By all means, I’m a great tipper. Ten dollars is not a problem … [it] was five dollar parking at the place … but before we went in, I gave the man $100 dollars. We had two cars. It’s five dollar parking. Okay, do the math. So when we came out he was like, ‘You know what? We need $20 for each car.’ And I said, ‘Sir, I just gave you $100.’ So he was like, ‘No, no we need $10.’ So he was just going around trying to see if he could get more money and I was like, ‘no,’ so by that time it was a situation.”


In related news, Chris has confirmed that his next studio album is entitled X, and he has a feature with rapper Kendrick Lamar on the upcoming album. The album is set for a late August/early September release.


  1. I believe Chris about the valet situation. These parking areas are notorious for being prejudice and jacking up prices on people they feel they can take advantage of.

  2. My problem with Chris is he still makes low key excuses for his behavior. “Everybody has a temper.” FALSE. That’s so typical of him. Don’t half step taking responsibility for your actions.

  3. The only thing he needs to talk about is his music at this point. No one is going to accept any of the excuses he gives for his past actions. Focus on the music Chris!

  4. I agree with Team Breezy. Chris needs to just stop trying explain his ratchet behavior. It only makes it worse. Just talk about the music, not past events, not Rihanna but the music. Stop giving people rope to hang you with.

  5. It’s going to take much more than this interview for people to start believing what Chris Brown says.

  6. At some point you have to stop saying you changed and do it through your actions. He needs to be smart enough to keep his cool because the media wants him to spazz out. Don’t give them any ammunition and keep it moving Breezy.

  7. Chris is a mess. A certified mess. He needs to talk less and let his actions do the talking. Right now, they aren’t.

  8. Everyone does have a temper, let’s be realistic people! Only difference is when we act up noone cares because we’re not famous! Everyone has buttons. I just love how people have made Chris into a monsrer when he is not the first celeb to display that type of behavior. I still wish him much success!

    1. Sorry. You’re wrong. I love Chris, but what I won’t do is tell lies because I love him. Everyone does not have a temper. For instance, I’m married to one of the calmest people I have ever met. He doesn’t blow up when bad things happen. He thinks things over and makes thoughtful decisions. That was one reason I married him. I’m the same way. I don’t use violence or threaten people when they push my buttons. I walk away because the consequence isn’t worth it. That’s what being an adult is. As much as I love Chris as an artist, people like you are part of the problem. You’re telling him it’s okay to not be his best self. You’re saying it’s people’s fault he’s choosing to react with rage. There’s no excuse for Chris blowing up at people. Everyone does not handle their anger like that. I want him to become a better person and get people to focus on his music. I think he can do that if he tries a little harder.

      1. *Standing Ovation* Thank you. No, everybody does not have a temper. If that was the case, the world would be an even more scary place. Self-control is always a choice. I respect that you’re an honest fan. That’s rare. SN: I didn’t know you were married. 😉

        1. Yes ma’am! I am a huge Chris Brown fan (I always root for the underdog) but I’m happily married. 🙂

      2. Let’s clear a few things up, because MY OPINION was taken way out of context. First of all, I do not condone in any way, shape or form violent behavior towards others. Second, everyone does have a breaking point. When people who do not know how to deal with pressure appropiately feel attacked they do lash out. If you are honest with yourself, you know this is true. Think back to a time when you felt attacked, I’m sure you defended yourself in some way. Maybe not the way he defends himself. I too am married to a very calm spirited man but there has been times that he has stepped out of that calm demeanor when it came to defending our family. I do not consider myself a problem because I choose to not be judemental but come from a place of trying to understand the problem so it can be fixed once and for all. I appreciate your point of view, however its harsh when you attack the integrity of a complete stranger over an artist who does n’t even know we exist. Also, to your cosigner who assumes I am a die-hard fan, I am not but I do think the young man is talented. Hope you don’t take offense and are able to be tolerable of those whose opinions differ from yours.

        1. Does everyone have a breaking point? Oh sure. I agree with you on that ma’am. Absolutely. But you said everyone has a temper and well that’s a totally different thing. A temper is a short fuse, the ability to anger quickly. And not everyone angers quickly. For example, you don’t have a temper. You could have cursed me out like some people do, but you were calm and gave a great response. I want Chris to get to that point that when people try him, he knows how not to fly off the handle. You and I are doing it, so I know he can too. The media loves when he gets angry and shows out. That’s all I was saying. But I definitely respect your opinion and it was good talking to you.

          1. I understand your point of view very well. I work with people like this young man everyday. Being in my line of work (clinical psychologist) I know all too well how misguided frustrations can come out all wrong. Some of my patients are some of the sweetest people I have ever met, but when they feel threatened they strike out in, what they feel, is protection. My heart just goes out to people like him especially since he’s so blessed and gifted. It was nice talking with you as well and the best to you and your family!!

  9. Chris is no longer a hot head? Since when? Oh, since his CD is coming out really soon…Chile please.

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