By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Reality television is a pretty controversial genre of entertainment and it seems like the more outrageous a show is, the higher the ratings. Well at least that’s the case for the first couple of seasons. Nowadays it does appear that reality television could be losing it’s steam with reality stars like Kim Kardashian experiencing a massive drop in ratings, and perhaps that’s the case with Mona Scott Young’s Love and Hip Hop New York cast. In it’s third season, the show’s ratings have been pretty terrible, and it appears the only bright spot in the franchise is the Atlanta cast, as the story lines and stars of the show were controversial enough to bring in record ratings. But the ratings couldn’t silence the criticism, and in most cases the executive producer of the series Mona Scott Young at often times finds herself having to defend her projects. In a recent interview with Hip Hop Wired, Mona says that whether or not people like to admit it, the stars of the show represent a real side to the Hip Hop industry:
“When I handed Joseline [Hernandez, of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta] her first check, she cried. It was the first time she’d ever seen her name printed on a check. So don’t tell me I’m not doing anything for these women.
“It’s about trying to present a total picture. I’m not here to judge them or to decide what aspects of their life should or should not make it onto television. This is Love and Hip Hop. I have navigated this world for twenty years of my career so I am probably as qualified as most to talk about what happens in this world. I’ve witnessed it.
“I’ve experienced it. There’s no one really of this world that can say with clear conscience that this stuff does not happen or exist. So what are we saying exactly? Not that this isn’t true, but that we should sweep it under the rug and act like it don’t exist. It’s that cousin that you love at the family barbeque but you don’t wanna bring to the company picnic. Stop it!”
And regardless of all the criticism Mona Scott Young faces for spearheading the series, she promises that the second season of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta will be even more outrageous than the first one:
“Atlanta was an anomaly. It was lightning in a bottle. Last season I was like, this is incredible, crazy, outrageous, over the top, what could they possibly do to top this? This season is better than last. It’s amazing.”
It’s pretty sad that she thinks paying women for acting a fool on camera is doing something for them.
Right. Just call it what it is…you’re an employer and paying people to do their job. lol
THANK YOU. Trying to sound all deep like she’s changing lives for the better. Nah son.
I respect her hustle but she definitely had to sell out to a certain extent to create these shows. It’s entertaining, don’t get me wrong, but she’s had to sacrifice her own reputation for the success she has.
I respect her hustle. And I’ll leave it at that.
It always amazes me how offended people like Mona and Shaunie get so offended when people call them out for putting out trashy TV shows. I mean it is what it is. Make your money, but don’t front like you’re not putting out trash.
Mona who you think you fooling. It’s all about the MUCHO DINERO you wouldn’t give a damn about any of these people if you weren’t making money off of them so you can expand your empire. So shut up collect your checks and stop trying to justify exploiting them.
Mona will milk this reality TV stuff for as long as she can…
I really don’t have a problem with Mona or Shaunie making trashy TV for adults but what gets on my nerves is how self righteous they act about it. You’re not saving women or helping them, you’re making your own pockets fat and laughing to the bank. Cut the crap.
Mona please have a seat. You’re not changing lives, you’re pimpin’ people. It is what it is.
So true……
LOL at her feeling like she’s doing something positive for women. I place her and Shaunie on the same level. Greedy and thinking too much of what they do for a living.
Sigh…yeah, she’s taking herself way too seriously. She’s not superwoman and saving lives. She giving people small paycheck to act a fool. But if they are ok with it, oh well.
Well..i guess you can say she’s helping the women. It’s just the WAY that it’s being done is kinda ratchet! They’re making more money than they did before being casted & getting the type of exposure that can further their careers in entertainment. I’m not a fan of how these shows portray black people either..sadly it’s what sells & brings in the ratings=CASH!!
I Think You Are Doing A Wonderful Job.