Chris Brown and Rihanna Break Up

Photo Credit: @badgalriri Instagram
Photo Credit: @badgalriri Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Did Chris Brown and Rihanna break up? The on and off love birds made headlines this year when they confirmed that their romance that began when they were teenagers was back on. After assaulting Rihanna in 2009, the on and off couple went their separate ways; but Chris called things off with Karrueche Tran last October and made things official with Rihanna not too long after. The rekindled romance hasn’t been without criticism, and Rihanna herself has had to defend her choice to take Chris back into her life, and Chris recently said in an interview that he had to work hard to get her to give him a second chance. He also told Ryan Seacrest that the assault happened because he was hotheaded and arrogant:

“I could put that on my age, but that would just be making an excuse. I think for me that at age 18, 19, I was capable of writing and producing songs, so I’m also capable of making the right choices. So I think it’s about a learning process now. Being at that young age, I can tell you I was arrogant and definitely hotheaded. Everybody has a temper, but for me it was not knowing how to control it when I thought I had the world in my hands.”


Although Chris and Rihanna both feel they are meant to be together, it appears the couple has called it quits, again. According to radio station Power 106 LA, the singer came in earlier today and said they were no longer together during his interview. The station tweeted:


chris brown and rihanna break up


We’re not sure what happened in the span of the last few days (Chris has been saying things were good in his recent interviews), but he did tell the station he will be back on Monday to make a major announcement.


  1. I see nothing had really changed with these two. They still have a toxic relationship. Breaking up to make up. I guess they will be back on when she wraps up her tour. Whatever.

  2. Again?! Sometimes I think they do this whole on and off thing to keep people interested in their relationship. I guess people just stop caring and so they needed to make people care again. LOL.

  3. Publicity stunt. They realized people don’t care anymore. What better way to get people to care again than to break up and get back together again? Chrihanna has gotten so old and redundant. I honestly wish we could hear about other couples.

  4. Oh Chris who really cares? Whether you guys are together not, you need to focus on getting your career back on track. He talks more about Rih than his music. Just stop.

  5. LOL these two are some clowns. They be trolling like hell. This will not make me care any more than I already don’t.

  6. I stopped giving any f-cks months ago. They just got old fast. One day he was with Rihanna, the next he was riding shotgun with Karrueche. It just made their whole “romance” look like a joke.

  7. watch the interview, he definitely did NOT say that they aren’t together. He said that she is on tour so he hasn’t seen her, he also was asked if he is in love with her and he said he’s a lover.

        1. LOL. Yeah, let me stop acting like I care. Either way, you never know with these two. It’s their business anyway.

  8. Good but it would be better if this was a permanent thing. They are not good for each other. I doubt this will last though.

  9. This is a f-cked up society we live in where we hate on the one who has been abused more than we hate on the one who Is abusing them. Why is she going back to him? Because society tells girls to “put up with it” from a young age. In elementary school girls are told to enjoy when a boy teases them, pulls their hair, etc, because it “means he likes them”. Boys aren’t reprimanded much, because this is seen as typical behavior (“boys will be boys,” right?). As girls get older, they are fed movies, tv shows, etc, all with common themes of staying with a “bad boy” because “true love will cure him”. Instead of blaming Rihanna for staying with him, if she is still with him, instead ask why he keeps treating her this way and why society says “it’s her fault for staying with him!” Instead of “why the hell is he able to get away with this?”SMH

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