NFL Star Jermichael Finley’s Baby Mama Exposes Him to His Wife on Twitter

Photo Credit: @jermichaelf88 Twitter
Photo Credit: @jermichaelf88 Twitter

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Another day, another scandal for another professional athlete. Jermichael Finey, who currently plays the Tight End position for the Green Bay Packers, has found himself in the middle of some serious drama. The other day his baby mama decided to allegedly expose him to his wife on Twitter, and she told the star football player’s wife that he’s having an affair with some woman named Jodi and she even alleged there is a woman currently four months pregnant by him. Apparently, she felt the need to tweet all this after he saw her in a club and told her that he’s purposely not paying child support. Here’s the tweets:

@courtfinley88 your husband is a piece of work. openly admitted tonight that he is purposely not paying his child support. got caught out

— its Chelsie love (@ChelsieLovely) April 21, 2013

@courtfinley88 with JODI tonight after i refused to talk to him so he smashed my phone to pieces. LMAO!!!!! ALLL ON TAPE AT THE BANK!!!

— its Chelsie love (@ChelsieLovely) April 21, 2013

to answer your question @courtfinley88 …not only is jermichael still f*cking jodi shes driving your cars!

— its Chelsie love (@ChelsieLovely) April 21, 2013

oh and sorry to be the one to break the bad news but your husband has a girl here 4 months pregnant! add it to the list! @courtfinley88

— its Chelsie love (@ChelsieLovely) April 21, 2013

@jermichaelf88 has 5 kids he doesnt take care of but @nbc26 acts like this man is God because he donates a few dollars to charity

— its Chelsie love (@ChelsieLovely) April 21, 2013

@jermichaelf88 gets a $3 million signing bonus and stops paying his child support. @nbc26 please research that one!

— its Chelsie love (@ChelsieLovely) April 21, 2013

@jermichaelf88 stops paying his child support then has the NERVE to ask ME to buy him a drink!!

— its Chelsie love (@ChelsieLovely) April 21, 2013

@thereason540 dudes screaming at me across the bar all night bc i wont f*ck him then smashes my phone bc i took a pic of him cheating

— its Chelsie love (@ChelsieLovely) April 21, 2013


Jermichael nor his wife responded to the tweets, but interestingly enough, his baby mama appears to have either deleted her Twitter account or changed her name since posting the scandalous tweets.


  1. What in the world?! Again, why bring something like this to Twitter? If he’s not paying child support, call your lawyer and go through the proper legal steps. These females are ridiculous.

  2. This is nuts. If what she’s saying is true, he’s a dog. There’s not enough money in the world to make me stay with someone that trifling.

    1. No need. She’s most likely one of those trophy wives who have agreed to tolerate anything as long as the money is coming in.

  3. The crazy thing is he hasn’t been that productive on the football field in a good minute. Now I see why. Smdh.

    1. Right! I had his wack a-s on my fantasy team last season and he didn’t do anything! I guess he’s too busy slanging his paynus all over town to be productive on the football field.

    1. It really is. I can’t for the life of me understand why grown folks are airing out all their business on there.

  4. Wow, that is still your CHILD’S FATHER….disrespect breeds disrespect. Calm down and call your lawyer hunnie……

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