Rihanna Slays Ciara for Talking About Her in Interviews, While Ciara Slays iTunes

Photo Credit: @badgalriri, @ciara Instragram
Photo Credit: @badgalriri, @ciara Instragram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Ciara is back to making music and making moves in the R&B game, but her beef with Rihanna is still making headlines just as much as her new music. While Ciara made it clear in her last interview that she’s over talking about her issues with Rihanna, it hasn’t managed to slow down the stan war between The Navy and the C-Squad any. In fact, it just seems like the fans are getting nastier and colder as each day passes. But it’s obvious that Ciara’s fan base is very enthusiastic about her new music as her new music video for her current single “Body Party” has been well received by most.  However, Rihanna still seems to have words for Ciara and is questioning why she’s still talking about her in her interviews. When one of her fans brought it to her attention that Ciara said more in her interview about the beef, Rihanna flat out bashed her for still entertaining the situation and said she’s clearly more relevant than Ciara’s new music:

rihanna ciara instagram

Interestingly enough, Rihanna may be wrong about Ciara’s new music. Despite being asked about Rihanna in her recent interviews, Ciara is performing well already on iTunes. Her current single “Body Party” is currently number two on the top R&B songs chart, and her album is currently number 6 on the top R&B albums. Ciara’s album doesn’t even come out until July, but it is selling well with presales alone. We know many have written Ciara off, but it looks like they shouldn’t have. By the looks of her iTunes sales, she’ll chart well on Billboard in no time. And check out Fantasia slaying on iTunes as well. Congrats to both ladies.


ciara singles

ciara albums


  1. As much as I hate to agree with Rihanna she is right. Ciara needs to stop talking Rihanna and focus on her music. But once again Rihanna proves to only clap back at someone she knows she can slam. I’m still waiting on her to respond to Drake. *crickets once again*

    1. but by talking about Cara isn’t Rihanna doing the same thing? In this game the first one to shut up wins.

  2. LOL! Rihanna is too arrogant to understand that anyone’s star can rise and fall at any given moment. It’s hilarious that she doesn’t see that in the end, Ciara talking about her and this ‘beef” has only made it possible for her to win. Rihanna just helped her own enemy. I thought she was smarter than that.

  3. Ciara’s album won’t be a flop this time. This Rihanna beef just got her fans hype as hell and dedicated to buying her music. Well played Ciara, well played.

  4. The funny thing is Rihanna is trying to play Ciara for STILL talking about her, but what is SHE doing in this picture? Oh.

  5. Oh whatever Rihanna. You’re no better than Ciara considering you’re still on Instagram letting your little stans hype you up and make you look basic by still talking about it. You don’t respond to lesser-thans, remember? *rolls eyes*

  6. Ugh! Rihanna is doing the same thing she clowned Ciara about. The only difference is Rih’s people know how to go in and tell journalists not to ask certain questions. Ciara’s not stupid. She knows that talking about this would only help her. And she’s right, look at her sales now! Not to mention she has the media interested in her again, and all the people who don’t like Rih (and that’s a lot) rooting for her. Shade her all you want Rih but she beat you at your own game.

    1. #TRUTH. I think this was all LA Reid’s doing. And her relationship with Future is the cherry on top. Can’t even hate. Get it CiCi.

  7. Rihanna has such a nasty and arrogant attitude. I mean, she has the same terrible attitude as Keyshia Cole but people love her. How does she have fans?

  8. who cares about RNB chart? does RNB chart matter? make the top 20 on the hot 100 then you can say you achieve something. its funny how everyone blaming rihanna when if ciara did not bring up rihanna’s name no blogs would waste time posting on ciara. the only reason why this post is here is because rihanna is involved. Rihanna only responds when ciara bring up her name. I would like someone to show me some thing where rihanna bring up ciara ‘s name first. in all of these fueds, ciara is the one who brought up rihanna’s name and rihanna respond.

    1. First of all, Ciara has already been in the top 20. She may have not done well with her last two albums, but she has already done very well on Billboard early on in her career. It took Rihanna seven albums to get a number one album and chart like Ciara did with her first album. The very artists she disses (Bey included) achieved what took her seven years to do in their first year. She should be more humble.

      Being on the R&B chart on iTunes so high when the album hasn’t even dropped is good news. Stop hating. It means that when she does release the album, it will do very well. iTunes is a solid indicator for what happens on the Billboard charts later. Just because Rihanna has to do pop music to be successful doesn’t mean R&B should be abandoned. What kind of logic is that? How do you downplay the same genre of music that influenced so many others? Oh wait, you’re a Rihanna fan. Makes sense.

      Lastly, this blog and many others writes about Ciara all the time. It’s one of the reasons I read it so much because they write about a large variety of people. Honestly, I’m seeing more about Ciara than Rihanna these days because the writers are covering her new music, as they should. She’s been getting lots of press WITHOUT Rihanna on numerous sites. She will succeed. Believe that.

      There can be many successful singers at one time. Have a seat and stop wishing for this girl to fail. Hater.

    2. Actually Ciara is not the one bringing up Rih’s name it’s the MEDIA and INTERVIEWERS bringing Rih’s name up to Ciara. Now what Ciara should do when they ask her about Rih is say “next question please” or “my album will hit the stores in July” instead answering the question.

  9. The Irony in this. This may as well be the 2nd or 3rd time that Rih has address Ci Ci talking about her in interviews. At least she is woman enough to do it publicly and not be ratchet or immature about it, but Rihanna creeps through speaking her mind in the comments and sub photos.

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