Active NBA Player Comes out the Closet

Photo Credit: @jasoncollins34 Twitter
Photo Credit: @jasoncollins34 Twitter

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

With all the skepticism surrounding Kerry Rhodes’ sexuality since his alleged ex boyfriend has been running to the blogs and attempting to out his sexual interest in men, it’s caused more people to start talking more about what it would take for professional athletes of every sport to stop hiding their love lives from a public they deem as too judgmental to be accepting.  Although Kerry has denied that he is gay and has said little about the recent reports and pictures posted all over the web, someone else has decided to start talking and be transparent about their sexuality  despite the fact that they are a professional athlete. NBA player Jason Collins of the Washington Wizards has decided to come out the closet, and he tells Sports Illustrated why he’s decided to be the first ever active NBA player to tell the world he’s gay. He says:

“I’m a 34-year-old NBA center. I’m black. And I’m gay.

“I didn’t set out to be the first openly gay athlete playing in a major American team sport. But since I am, I’m happy to start the conversation. I wish I wasn’t the kid in the classroom raising his hand and saying, “I’m different.” If I had my way, someone else would have already done this. Nobody has, which is why I’m raising my hand.”


The basketball player also reveals that he decided to open up about his sexuality now because he wants to be able to be honest about who he is in his career:

“I realized I needed to go public when Joe Kennedy, my old roommate at Stanford and now a Massachusetts congressman, told me he had just marched in Boston’s 2012 Gay Pride Parade. I’m seldom jealous of others, but hearing what Joe had done filled me with envy. I was proud of him for participating but angry that as a closeted gay man I couldn’t even cheer my straight friend on as a spectator. If I’d been questioned, I would have concocted half truths. What a shame to have to lie at a celebration of pride. I want to do the right thing and not hide anymore. I want to march for tolerance, acceptance and understanding. I want to take a stand and say, ‘Me, too.'”


To read more about Jason’s decision to come out the closet, check out the May 6 issue of Sports Illustrated.


  1. Good for him and congrats, cuz I bet it wasn’t easy…I just hope some day people aren’t judge by their skin color,weight, height,beauty,sexuality…I know it is a Utopia…but a girl can dream just like Martin Luther King said: “I’ve a Dream”….:)

  2. Good for him. I can’t understand why people are still so uptight about gay people. It’s 2013 not 1813. Hopefully more athletes, entertainers, and actors will be truthful about who they are. The only judgment that matters is GOD’s!

  3. If it makes him feel better…Then good for him. Now, I’m glad you got that off of your chest. Now can you go somewhere and play basketball boo boo…..#justdontcare

  4. It’s always good when people can be who they really are without having to hide or compromise or feel ashamed.

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