Jennifer Williams’ Ex Eric Slams Jason Collins for Coming out the Closet

Photo Credit: @ericwillaimsyo Twitter
Photo Credit: @ericwillaimsyo Twitter

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

This week was major for the sports world, as many looked on as the first ever active NBA player decided to come out the closet and tell the world he was gay. Jason Collins, center of the Washington Wizards, made his big announcement in the upcoming issue of Sports Illustrated. In the publication, he admits that he decided to come out the closet because he didn’t want to continue to hide who he is to the world. He writes:

“I realized I needed to go public when Joe Kennedy, my old roommate at Stanford and now a Massachusetts congressman, told me he had just marched in Boston’s 2012 Gay Pride Parade. I’m seldom jealous of others, but hearing what Joe had done filled me with envy. I was proud of him for participating but angry that as a closeted gay man I couldn’t even cheer my straight friend on as a spectator. If I’d been questioned, I would have concocted half truths. What a shame to have to lie at a celebration of pride. I want to do the right thing and not hide anymore. I want to march for tolerance, acceptance and understanding. I want to take a stand and say, ‘Me, too.’”


While many people have shown their support for Jason and feel his revelation is a reason to celebrate, there are others who feel it isn’t. Miami Dolphins wide receiver Mike Wallace was slammed when he admitted he didn’t understand it on his Twitter account, so we can only imagine how former Basketball Wives star Jennifer Williams’ ex hubby Eric’s mentions are looking after he slammed the basketball player for coming out of the closet. Eric tweets (read from the bottom up):


eric williams twitter


Side note: Did any of you catch that shade he threw to Dwyane Wade?


  1. So how did HE make black men look when he threw a drink in his wife’s face on national TV?

  2. Usually any man who cares so much about what another man does with his paynus is gay himself. No straight man should be this upset about what Jason did. Why even care?

  3. I hate that black people are so ignorant about gays. Why does it matter what other people do in the bedroom? And how can we speak on his motives when we aren’t in his shoes? First they were mad men wouldn’t come out the closet, and now they’re mad they are coming out. The hell?

  4. I don’t get it. Had Jason came out when he was in the highlight of his career, they would have said he was doing it for endorsements/attention. Man comes out when he’s getting ready to stop playing, and they are still saying he’s doing it for attention. So when the f-ck was he supposed to come out. Damn people are stupid.

  5. And this is the same guy that tried to hit on his ex wife’s former cast member…can he really talk about someone else’s morals?

  6. Happy he came out & yep Eric sounds like he mad because he doesn’t have the balls to come out. Too many black, and latino men are hiding and in straight relationships. This fact is nasty to me, to be sleeping with men, not using protection and then say they aren’t gay. GTHOH More men gay & bisexual need to be real.

  7. Why people gotta be homophobic, because it makes us wanna vomit at the thought of 2 men comiting sodomy. Its discusting okay, it will never be normal. You bash us for not participating in filth. But we cant express how we feel about the filth that’s being forced upon us. We all may fall short of sin. But understand that homesexuality is a direct rebellion of the purpose of YAH almighty’s creation of humanity, and reproduction. Say whatever you want, get mad, get evil, Its still gross and discusting damit!!

    1. Truth!! if they can shout to the world how they love being gay why can’t people have an opinion not to like it. People are only doing it because they feel as if its acceptable now. Its Adam and Eve NOT Adam and Steve. My PERSONAL opinion which I’m entitled too!

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