Chris Brown Goes off on His Neighbors

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Not only is R&B singer Chris Brown going through a nasty breakup with Rihanna, but he’s also going toe to toe with his neighbors over his love affair with graffiti. As we recently reported, Chris’ neighbors are heated that the singer decided to paint graffiti in front of his lavish home and have been complaining to the media that they believe the images are bringing down the value of their neighborhood. Chris was eventually slapped with a $300 dollar fine and told to remove the graffiti, however, his attorney Mark Geragos claims he feels the star’s neighbors are harassing him. In fact, Chris’ lawyer made it very clear that he does plan to fight his neighbors on this tooth and nail. Geragos tells the Los Angeles Times:

“I’m scared of neighborhood busybodies like this. They’ve called animal control. They have sicced parking [enforcement] on him, and now they reached the heights of ridiculousness here. Shame on them.”


Chris himself has taken to his Twitter account to address the situation and is outraged at his neighbors for complaining about his painting. The singer made it clear that he feels like he is being picked on and is offended that his neighbors feel the characters he painted in front of his home are too disturbing for children to see. The singer also made it clear that despite all of the controversy surrounding his painting, he’s going to continue to do what he wants to his home and keep painting. Chris tweets (read from top to bottom):

chris brown neighbors
chris brown twitter
chris brown twitter 2


Here’s a photo of the graffiti causing all of the controversy:

Photo Credit: Twitter
Photo Credit: Twitter


    1. Exactly. He’s not playing it smart. He has a great new song out, why can’t he just chill out? Goodness.

      1. but how isn’t he chilling out ? this man is always being ridiculed, and now being told that he can’t place art on HIS property ? I think he NEEDS to speak up because him being silent is just letting people walk all over him.

  1. Why is he tweeting about this? I just don’t understand why he keeps giving people ammo to run with. Sometimes its best to stop reacting to things. The more he keeps reacting, the more he looks like the angry thug they keep trying to paint him as.

  2. When you own a home in an expensive neighborhood, you still have to be mindful of your neighbors and the HOA. He’s acting childish about this.

  3. I think Chris is sadly mistaken about what it means to be a homeowner. Owning a home doesn’t give you a pass to do whatever you want to your house. That’s why they have the Home Owners Association. The HOA keeps everyone in line and on the same page to keep the neighborhood’s value up. My HOA has rules that forbid us from not keeping up our yards and parking crazy on the street. And that’s just a couple of rules. It’s not personal, these people love their neighborhood and if they let crazy things go on, it will decrease the value of their homes too. Chris needs to educate himself before he pulls the victim card.

  4. Chris is being pretty immature. I’m not surprised though. That’s who he is unfortunately. I do wish he would get it together one day and understand that the world doesn’t revolve around him.

  5. Im not blaming Rihanna because everyone is responsible for “self” but everytime he rekindles anything with her, they break up or whatever is going on for the week between them 2 he acts a DAMN fool! I think he and Karrueche relationship was more relaxed!

    1. Well Rihanna seems to have that affect on men. She dated Matt Kemp and he was a mess on the baseball field the whole time, they broke up and he got good again. She’s messing around with JR Smith now and he looks terrible on the basketball court and may even get benched. Coincidence? I think not.

    2. Let’s keep in mind that Chris fought Drake while he was with Kae and also threw a chair outside a window after his GMA interview while he was with Kae. Oh, and he stole a fan’s cell phone while he was with Kae too. So it’s safe to say Chris will be a fool no matter who he dates.

        1. Yall are reaching though. Chris has a temper, and that’s his own fault. He’s pretty arrogant and childish. But I guess it’s easier to blame Rihanna. I just don’t agree.

          1. If you read my 1st post it clearly stated Im not blaming Rihanna and he is responsible for “self”. Its just an affect that she has on him regarding their on/off again tarnished relationship! A few men she hasnt dated seem a bit OFF after they’ve dated her. Well since you have a bond with her…and your on the Navy ship ask her does she do VooDoo or something!!!!

  6. LOL. Does Chris really think painting graffiti on his house would be acceptable to his neighbors? Chile…

  7. If I owned a home in Chris’ neighborhood, I’d be pissed he painted that ugly mess on his house too. It looks ghetto and tacky. You shouldn’t’ paint on your house like that anyway. Can’t buy class!

  8. I wish this MOMMA’S BOY would sit his azz down somewhere. That is not art! It’s ugly and he’s an idiot.

  9. Chris is responsible for his own actions. He’s been a train wreck for years. He looks crazy now a days as if he’s sniffing powder or on some kind of drug with that one gold tooth on the side. He looks crackish. He is extremely immature and disrespectful. This is a grown man that thinks cartoon characters is art. Chris needs psychological help. I know his last few teenage years was spent on entertaining but what childhood star is not mentally screwed these days. The man cares nothing about his reputation or others feelings. Get Help soon Chris.

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