Jay-Z Addresses the Illuminati Accusations & Views on Religion in ‘Heaven’

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Jay-Z in the Illuminati? Rapper and business man Jay-Z isn’t a stranger to controversy, in fact he’s pretty used to being targeted for his lyrics, business deals, and even his private life. However, when it comes to his pretty impressive success in music and his numerous business ventures, Jay-Z has been accused of selling his soul to achieve such a high level of achievement. The rapper likes to also keep the conspiracy theorists talking by wearing questionable T-shirts and rapping lyrics that sound like “Illuminati” talk, however, when it comes to Jigga, there’s just no better way to address the critics than in his own music.

As we reported recently, Jay-Z just inked a multimillion dollar deal with Samsung, and according to the deal, one million free copies of his upcoming album “Magna Carta Holy Grail” will be sent to select Samsung devices. Since he’s in promotional mode, Jay-Z decided to release lyrics to one of the songs.

In the new song “Heaven,” the rapper spits verses on his thoughts on religion and the conspiracy theorists who swear up and down he signed his life over to the devil to get wealth.

When it comes to the references made to conspiracy theorists and the Illuminati talk, Jay-Z says those that don’t understand or believe human beings can truly work hard to attain success rather blame it all on joining the Illuminati.

In the very raw song, Jay-Z raps about how he thinks religion is divisive. He also seems to suggest that people should question certain aspects of religion, especially since some parts of it may cause a lot of what he perceives is destruction to the human race.

Here’s the lyrics:

heaven lyrics


  1. Whenever someone starts talking about the Illuminati and they told me they got their information from YouTube, I make a note to myself to never value anything that person says ever again.

    1. LOL I’m the same way. I just don’t see how being a sheep and believing every little thing you see on YouTube isn’t the same thing. :-/

  2. People like the conspiracy theorists will never have anything in their own lives because they think any kind of success and money is evil. LOL.

  3. But religion IS divisive. It’s amazing how people automatically love to call people devil worshippers for questioning the validity of religion. Smh.

    1. Religion is sort of like a lift in your shoes. If it makes you feel better, fine. Just don’t ask me to wear your shoes. [George Carlin]

    1. No he’s not a Christian. He said on that Oprah show he does believe in God but not necessarily any religion. He thinks religion is just too divisive.

  4. I don’t even think the conspiracy theorists were worth addressing. It’s clear they don’t believe anyone can be successful without selling their soul.

    1. Why? Because he’s not a judgmental Christian? As a judgmental Christian, I think you’re a devil worshipper….ijs

  5. The thing about government secrets is…they don’t get out too often. Yet there’s a whole bunch of blogs and YouTube videos dedicated to telling those secrets. Not buying it.

  6. It’s his right to believe whatever he wants to. Not everyone wants to believe in religion. Can’t say I blame them when you see how judgmental, evil, and hateful it makes a lot of folks.

  7. Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY TO get to HEAVEN!! Jesus said, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” Rich people believe in their riches and themselves!!

    1. Thats a broad statement… I know some very wealthy people who love The Lord. Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven but Jesus didn’t create all the divisions within Christianity, man did.

  8. God is real. Satan is real. I came to earth to save people from religion, i was against religion. Religion was/is used to make harsh unattainable rules to oppress and depress people into submission for power. Just practices dry with no essence and real evidence or power. God is love I am love, the answer is not religion it is relationship. God walked in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve for relationship, Sin separate us, but I came to sacrifice my life to build that bridge to God for man, and I am coming back again 🙂 Love you.

  9. Religion discussion aside, Shawn Carter is a genius for getting Samsung to buy a million copies of his album to give out to their customers. Based on a technicality, he went “platinum” before the album released.

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