Pharrell Williams Says Beyonce’s Upcoming Album is ‘Crazy’

Photo Credit: Facebook
Photo Credit: Facebook

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Beyonce just released an official calendar and she’s still getting rave reviews for her latest tour the Mrs. Carter Show, but the singer’s fans are still awaiting their fave to drop another studio album. However, there’s been a lot of confusion on just when that will happen, but recent reports suggest a new single could drop as soon as December. Regardless, there’s been lots of rumors suggesting Beyonce may have been struggling to record new music she’s feels confident about, but her spokesperson says there’s been no drama and no official date has been set as of yet for a release.

But to get some true information on the status of Beyonce’s fifth studio album, it’s probably best to listen to the people she’s actually been going to the studio with. Ne-Yo recently said Beyonce was working hard on new music to make sure the album would be one fans would love and now Pharrell Williams says he’s actually heard most of the album already and it’s a banger.

He tells Billboard:

“B’s album is crazy.”


When asked what’s the hold up, the producer says it’s just in her nature to be a perfectionist:

“Let me tell you what it is. She’s very particular. She’s a Virgo. And she’s not going to put it out until it’s ready and feels like it’s right to her. She’s got a very specific taste. I guess that’s the reason she’s Beyonce.”


He then says that from what he knows, the album is almost done:

“[Other people are hearing her album] and are like ‘Whoa!’ And she’s like, ‘yeah, I’m almost done.’”


  1. I’m so tired of hearing about an album she still hasn’t released yet. Stop with the torture Bey. Please.

  2. The one thing I love about Beyonce is she works hard to put on a show for her fans. She’s worth the money people pay to go see her live.

  3. I ain’t doing no trippin on waiting for Bey’s album because she is one of the few artist that cares about the music and won’t put out a lackluster album that’s just not in her nature. This is just building more anticipation I can’t wait.

  4. “If I Were A Girl. I could’ve had a baby girl by now” Been waiting for a new album since march first teasing us with Bow Down”. Hopefully Beyoncé has this album out by Christmas please be in 2013 or before my B’Day in January. I guess the good thing about the long wait is by the time the album comes out I’ll have my first ever smart phone so I can buy the singles on iTunes too in addition to buying two of her fifth albums.

  5. I honestly haven’t had a negative thing to say about any of Beyoncé’s albums. It’s no surprise that this one won’t disappoint either. I can’t wait to hear it

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