By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are new parents to baby North West, but for the last several months, Kim has been a major target of the media for her weight gain. Those close to Kim claim the reality star has struggled reading the headlines as of late as bloggers and journos poke fun at her weight gain from childbirth, and she’s been hard at work in an attempt to lose the weight and get her pre-baby body back. It’s been said that Kim’s been hitting the gym plenty to shed the pounds, and she even took to her Twitter account to confirm that she’s also been using the Atkins Diet to help her get her old body back.
Kanye is said to be quite impressed with Kim’s fuller figure, but he has been going to the gym with her in support of her dedication to losing the baby weight. We’re assuming he now can appreciate how much work she’s been putting into getting her figure back because he showed lots of public affection to her figure after she posted this photo to her Instagram account last night:
She wrote in the caption:
It didn’t take too long for Kanye to tweet the following in response:
While many Kimye fans thought the act was cute, of course there were some who slammed the reality star and rapper for what they felt was just a ploy to bring more attention to their public relationship. However, Kanye said during his recent appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” that contrary to popular belief, he doesn’t do publicity stunts.
Aww Kim’s back to attention whoring again.
And Kanye is now a willing participant.
Yep he sure is! He has gone full Kardashian!
Girl she couldn’t wait to come back to her thirsty ways. She probably had an o-gasm when she saw that she was trending on Twitter.
She couldn’t wait to get back to being thirsty. It’s not like she has any other way to get attention. She has no talent and she’s not smart enough to make money without selling herself out. You got to have a brain to make money without your body.
She just wanted to show off her fresh new a-s injections. lol
Girl that’s that Brazilian butt lift. They took the fat out her thighs and stomach and put it in her butt. She staged that recent trip to the gym with Kanye so when she posted this photo people wouldn’t be suspect. Kim hasn’t worked for a thing in her entire life. She loves surgeries and photoshop.
Gross. I hate fake a-ses.
Self hating black men don’t mind. Any non black woman who has purchased black features will do.
They are both thirsty for attention.
That’s why this relationship works. Kanye is just as much of an attention whore as Kim, so her stunts don’t bother him like it did real men like Reggie and Kris Humphries. They will spend the rest of their lives trying to buy acceptance from the classy and wealthy elite. That’s what that Hollywood Walk of Fame rant was about.
Notice how she only showed the back…yeah, she hasn’t gotten rid of that gut yet.
LOL @ Kanye pretending to be heterosexual.
I’m so tired of today’s female celebrities. 95% of them are ok with being sexual objects and looking like tramps for attention. These young girls are going to grow up and become weak women who can’t keep their clothes on.
I know. It’s really sad and unfortunate, but class isn’t in anymore. Ratchet is all the rage now, and every celebrity wants to be shocking, well not all but most. Even Nicki’s thirsty arse couldn’t wait to get naked on IG after Kim started trending on twitter. These chicks ain’t real women. They are clowns and chicks begging for acceptance.
Lord why won’t she just go away already?
And this is someone’s mother. That poor child.
Yeah I’m glad my mom isn’t a attention whoring porn star! Whew I lucked up in life!
Boring. Kim you’re old news now. Do you plan to keep this up when you turn 40?
Yes, she does. Did you not see Kris Jenner’s old a-s in that swimsuit the other day with the sexy face on? This family believes in pushing whoredom until death. That’s all they have, remember?
LOL yeah you’re right.
So predictable. This is what you have to do when you have no talent.
North doesn’t stand a chance in life.
Of course she doesn’t. Look at her family! Kim as a mom, Kris as a grandmother. She has already lost in life.
This is why other countries laugh at us and call us dumb.
Yeah because we put whores on pedestals and make them famous.
Kim cares way too much about what people think and say about her. She did this because not enough people were believing the photoshop photos she’s been sending to the blogs. And she hasn’t lost all her weight, so she took the picture from the back instead because she realized most people would be too dumb to even notice.
Trashy is back at it.
Nicki Minaj is on IG getting naked too right now. So women fought for equality for these tricks to turn around and volunteer to be IG tramps? LOL. Oh the irony.
Man I’m so tired of Kim and all these women with these fake a-ses that don’t even match their bodies. Low self esteem is a b-tch.
Low self esteem on deck. I guess I should be impressed by this because the media says I should be. But I’m not. I still think Kim is a pathetic, desperate for attention woman who still doesn’t love herself. She has to keep seeking validation from society in everything she does. And it looks like that runs in the family.
Kanye, this is why your last album was a flop. You put more of your energy into hyping up Kim than actually making good music.
Kim is her mother’s child. No substance, and loves money and fame more than her own kid.
Go be a mom you attention whore!
Girl that baby was just a stunt. She’s served her purpose and Kim has moved on already,
Gotta love Kim. She’s the only person I can think of that has no problems leaving her three month old baby for Paris and needs to take photos like these to feel good about herself.
Poor North…she’s not going to have a good woman to show her how to be a lady…his mom would have been great w/this baby.
At the end of the day yall Kim paid a lot of money for her body. She has the right to show it off lol
It’s totally Kim’s right to not respect herself, but she should at least respect her daughter and consider her before she pulls desperate stunts like this. That child will grow up and resent her mother and she will act out. It’s a cycle that goes on so much when celebs put stardom in front of their kids. She could learn a lot from Brangelina, and others in Hollywood who value their kids over attention. But hey, this is the same woman who left her 3 month old at home for Paris Fashion Week. This is pretty much in line with her selfish ways.
Yet another booty selfie from Kim Kardashian. I guess these are necessary for her because that’s why she’s famous anyway, right? This country has gone to hell.
Kim and her diaper. She’s back to her old and tired tricks. Did she even pick up her baby today or are all 7 of the nannies being the real parent again?
She took the fat from her thighs and stomach and put it in her butt. This girl has never worked hard at anything in life.
That swimsuit is too small for her large pooper. And this is attractive to some people? Yikes.
Well people it’s not like Kim has anything else to offer but the looks she paid for. The ironic thing is she’s made a fortune from being the laughing stock of America. Then she wonders why people don’t take her seriously and she can’t ever get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame or even get an Emmy award. Nothing of class wants to me associated with her trashy image. I do think her and Kanye are a match made in attention seeking/ghetto/trailer trash heaven though.
Girl put a bra on. Your girls are sagging and you’re someone’s mom now. Grow up.
Stay classy Kim. *rolls eyes*
What kind of woman with self respect would post a picture like this after just having a baby a few months ago? You know I just saw photos of Donald Trump’s pretty daughter Ivanka posing with her newborn in the hospital room with her baby. She looked like a real mom, beautiful and classy. She’s a gorgeous business woman and the epitome of class. And here you have Kim, a very trashy woman who would rather shoot photos of her butt and boobs because she can’t get any press any other way versus a photo of her holding her own child. The last time we saw North she was covered up like a mummy on a fur rug. Gross.
Yeah that’s Kim for you. Even her pushing a stroller seemed forced and inauthentic. That’s just not who she is. She has to be a sex kitten to be happy with herself. Being a mom and real woman with some class isn’t something she wants to do.
Well you can’t teach an old b-tch new tricks. Spread those cheeks Kim, you got nothing else.
I am so sick of hearing about kim kardashian already, shes a dam low class whore in my book. Her main focus should be on her new baby, not flashing her disgusting fat plastic as all over the place. This lady doesn’t have a brain for sh-t. Hey kim, you are old news girl! Your getting older and nobody wants to see you as anymore, please spare us of any more of your pathetic pics.