Kim Kardashian Claims Racist Heckler Threatened to Kill Her

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Yesterday it was reported that Kim Kardashian and her fiancé Kanye West had a nasty run-in with a racist heckler who berated Kim and even called her a “n*gger lover.”

Kanye rushed to the scene in minutes after Kim allegedly called him and told him the 18-year-old was yelling racist remarks towards her, and the young man reportedly also called Kanye the N word while Kim was on the phone with him making the situation even more intense.

Bystanders at the chiropractor office claim Kanye allegedly punched the racist heckler in the face once he arrived to the scene, and he then fled once police were called.

The young man told police he wants to press charges against Kanye and the rapper is currently being investigated for criminal battery.

But now TMZ has obtained the police report just filed by Kim Kardashian and she claims the teenage heckler actually threatened to kill her.

According to the website, Kim claims he said, “I will kill you, slut.”

Kim believes the threats made are a crime and her police report is supposed to be a counter attack to keep Kanye from being sent to jail considering he’s already in hot water for a recent paparazzi attack.

However, sources tell TMZ that Kim’s police report probably won’t do Kanye any good.


  1. This is such a publicity stunt. A new season of Keeping up with the Kardashians premieres on Sunday. Kris Jenner please sit down.

  2. None of this even makes sense. I saw pictures and videos of the heckler and he looks harmless. He wasn’t even acting “erratic” like the K’s claim. This appears to be just another stunt IMO.

  3. Kanye will just get off again like he always does. Kim and her pathetic family are just trying to secure ratings for their flop reality show.

  4. Now I am suspicious this sounds weird. Why wasn’t this mentioned yesterday. Sigh this very well maybe a stunt or Kim is halfway telling the truth SMH.

  5. Do the K’s ever get exhausted by all the stunts they have to pull to stay relevant? And I’m still surprised that Kanye has sacrificed his own image to become a Kardashian when he actually does have talent to keep him relevant. He’s going to look back on this in 20 years and regret it.

  6. Honestly the little dude they claim is a racist looks like he’s related to Kim. Kris Jenner is getting so sloppy with the stunts now.

  7. I believe we all have the right to be happy and be with who we want to be with but being with Kim has really hurt Kanye’s career. You couldn’t have told me several years ago that today this would be where Kanye would end up. It’s sad to watch and I really wish he could get back on his feet. But sadly his career just goes downhill more and more as he dates this girl.

    1. But I don’t think it’s fair to put all the blame on Kim. Kanye is a grown man and had issues before they got together that he never took care of.

  8. I can’t with them…either of them!! This is getting stupider by the second. I wish they all would have several seats followed by a long nap!

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