Chris Tucker Reveals What It Will Take for Him to Do Another ‘Friday’ Film

chris tucker talks doing another friday film
Photo Credit: GabboT

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Comedian Chris Tucker has been the missing ingredient of the “Friday” sequels and it’s all because of his ever-growing faith and relationship with God. However, Ice Cube revealed during his press rounds for “Ride Along” that Chris is now considering possibly being a part of the next “Friday” film, but many found that hard to believe considering how strong Chris has been in the past against it.

But now the comedian is talking and he says it’s not far-fetched at this point for him to do another “Friday” film. But he does have some stipulations.

He tells Sway Calloway via Shade 45:

“I’m actually trying to help [the studio] come up with some ideas and be apart of the producing process with Cube to see if we can come up with something, so that might happen.

“If I do a movie like Friday again it has to evolve.

“I evolved from Smokey when I was that age when I did that movie – from when I did Fifth Element or even the first Rush Hour. So, every character I look at now I’m like can I play it because where I am right now, because I pull a lot from real life. I put a lot of myself in the characters.”


    1. I think they need to do one more and have Chris Tucker in it. They can also bring back Mike Epps and Katt Williams. Now that would be epic.

  1. I still would love to see him do another Friday. I think he’s funnier than Mike Epps and Smokey was the best character.

  2. The first Friday was the best one. The second was cool and the third one was decent. But Chris Tucker just brought something to the movie that couldn’t be duplicated. I hope they can make this happen.

  3. No shade, but what else does he have going on anyway. He might as well do another Friday and make the fans happy.

  4. The honest truth is he’s grown as a man and he doesn’t feel ok with selling out to get laughs. And I really don’t blame him. He’s come a long way and he’s not hurting for money so why not have terms?

  5. I wish Chris would stop BSing and tell the truth because it’s all about the money. I guarantee if they gave him a crap load of money he wouldn’t mind playing a weed head again lol.

  6. And where has Chris Tucker been? I really forgot he existed but he was funnier than most these young comedians in his heyday.

  7. Meh. I guess I understand where he’s coming from. But I really feel like Friday After Next was it. Like, where can they go from there AND keep people’s interest in it? If anything, they should probably just go with another movie concept and leave the Friday saga alone.

  8. Chris Tucker If I was you I would take the role. Remember the last time you was on TV (last year’s BET Awards)you damn near bombed!

    P.S – Your Michael Jackson jokes are played out. Time for new material


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