By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
NeNe Leakes may have lost one gig since “The New Normal” was cancelled, but the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” star is having a blast with her new one.
NeNe is currently competing on this season of “Dancing with the Stars,” and so far she’s having a strong start in the dancing competition.
The reality star opened the show last night. In fact, her very first performance with partner Tony Dovolani actually shocked many.
Not only did NeNe do well, but the judges loved her. Check out NeNe doing the Cha Cha below and let us know how you think she did.
Saw….sneak preview….FABULOUS NENE…DO U!!!
I saw her and I voted too. She did great. She also seems to really be having a good time.
NeNe did a lot better than I thought she would. I was surprised! LOL!
Seriously me too!
She did great. Go NeNe! 🙂
I can’t stand her but I won’t even hate. She did a good job. I may even vote for her next time if she keeps it up.
Not bad at all.
I really thought she would be as terrible as Wendy Williams was. But she’s actually doing pretty good. Hopefully she won’t quit when things get hard like she did on Celebrity Apprentice. I’m rooting for her.
NeNe is really making the most out of her 15. I’m proud of her. I voted for her like 10 times last night. lol
She did great!
I really expected her to do poorly. Good for her.
Yes NeNe! She looks like she was genuinely having fun. Did I spy her throw up A-town? lol
She seems happy. Now this is the the Nene I like.