By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Some people were shocked to learn months ago that Robin Thicke and his longtime lady-love Paula Patton were splitting and many seemed to think the cause of their separation was due to Robin’s alleged knack for entertaining other women despite being a married man.
But now new gossip suggests that it’s actually a lot more scandalous than that. In fact, Star Magazine is claiming that the couple is actually on the rocks because Robin allegedly starting having a romance with the same woman he and Paula had a “minaj” with and Paula was heated when she found out. Star reports:
Rumors of cheating have dogged the 37-year-old for months, but Star can reveal that it was one ongoing affair that upset Paula so much, she could never forgive him — mainly because she had been involved with the “other woman” as well!
For about two years, the duo had been carrying on a consensual three-way relationship with a massage therapist (whom Star will refer to as “Jasmine”). Things took a disastrous turn for the worst last summer, though, when Paula caught Robin and Jasmine carrying on a separate affair behind her back.
Robin’s reps are denying the report, but Star claims their source actually passed a polygraph test.
Very believable.
I can see this happening because they really did seem like a swinger type of couple to me.
They were. Robin pretty much confirmed that in the Howard Stern interview he did. He could have at least respected his wife and not smash the side chick without her being there though. :-/
When will women learn that a threesome is a pass to cheat to most men?
See this is a prime example why you don’t bring another woman in to your bedroom. It just opens the door for anything. I personally don’t think a couple should engage in threesomes unless a woman is ok with her man sleeping with other women without her. By allowing a threesome all you do is feed a man’s appetite to have sex with other women.
Doesn’t it always happen this way?
This is why I’m not open to sharing my husband and he’s not open to sharing me. If you give someone an invitation to your sex life, you better believe it can end up ruining your marriage.
This sounds about right.
What a shame. Robin doesn’t sound like the type of man who needs to be married anyway. He just doesn’t want to commit to one woman and agree to sleeping with one woman for the rest of his life. So why did he get married in the first place?
Thank you!
I always felt like Paula only agreed to having an open marriage because she thought he would at least be faithful if he slept with other women with her. But now that she sees that is not the case, she knows it’s time to move on.
Well damn Robin!
LMFAO!!!! Robin is cold as hell!!!!
Say no to threesomes. lol
I’m glad she finally sees this fool for what he really is. He has no intentions on ever respecting her or their marriage.
Robin is so dirty if this is true. Paula has loved him since they were kids. Where is the respect?
I really feel bad for Paula. She really took a chance and changed her values to make this marriage work and he still disrespected her. Smh.
3somes never work for married couples!
Man this is so trifling. Paula needs to never take this man back.
If this story is true, I think they are both responsible for the outcome. Once you open a door, it’s difficult to control what comes in, and what goes out. Once you get married, hell, once you commit, the door closes and should not be opened to anyone outside of the two people within the relationship. When you stop outside of vows, it’s difficult to try and maintain any type of moral perspective, because it’s already been tainted… That being said, I can’t fault him any more than I’d fault her, because they’re both wrong. I’m not married, but I’m sure there are other ways to keep the spark and fire in the bedroom without having to share your partner with someone else.