By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Weeks ago NeNe Leakes wrote a blog on Bravo responding to Kandi’s shade about her fallout with Marlo. In a confessional, Kandi said she never saw NeNe run away from a fight and she was shocked she didn’t go off on Marlo at the Bailey Bowl when Marlo confronted NeNe for cutting her off.
In NeNe’s blog, she claimed she is at a point of her life where she understands fighting on TV is not a good look for her career, and she didn’t want to get all “gutter” like Mama Joyce did episodes earlier and be tossing shoes at folks in front of Bravo cameras.
To be expected, Kandi wasn’t too thrilled about NeNe’s comments regarding Mama Joyce. Kandi actually confronted NeNe about it at the reunion and it ends up becoming a shouting match.
Check out the preview below:
Kandi please. Your momma is making a fool out of herself on TV just to keep you from getting a pink slip. Don’t get mad because at least one person on that couch can tell you the truth while everyone else just talks about it behind your back.
Why didn’t Andy ask that while Mama Joyce was sitting on the stage?
That’s what I’d like to know.
The truth hurts.
I’m not sure what Kandi thought she was going to accomplish here. Lol.
What NeNe said about Mama Joyce was disrespectful but she wasn’t lying. Kandi needs to come to the realization that her mom is a gutter hood rat that’s her mom but that’s the truth. Kandi should be lucky mama Joyce isn’t called worse.
NeNe has to learn that you can’t say everything that you’re thinking. While she was telling the truth, it was extremely offensive to Kandi.
i’m torn on this one. On one hand I agree that NeNe was out of line for saying what she did but on the other hand, what she said was the truth. Mama Joyce is really embarrassing herself and someone needs to tell her how ridiculous she’s been looking. I really thought she was drunk during the reunion.
Kandi should have known better than to ask Nene for an apology. She won’t ever get one.
I agree with most What Nene said was disrespectful….she wouldn’t like it if someone said that about her loved 1’s whether it’s true or not. She is not a friend of Kandi’s and she shouldn’t be implying stuff. Just say you aren’t gonna get down like that and keep it moving there was no need for her to mention Kandi’s moms Nene is a bish
Child please! Mama Joyce is fair game just like everyone else on the show. And since she chooses to act like old ghetto trash, then people look at her like that. Many lost respect for her mama acting a fool. If she doesn’t want people talking about it, then don’t put your mom in such a position to be judged like trash. Nene spoke the truth here, so it is what it is
I totally agree with you! She does not have respect for herself and she has no class for a woman of her age. It’s sad and embarrassing the things that we as African American women are doing for the almighty dollar! Oh, and before someone comments, I don’t care about those other women, only because what they do is acceptable and makes them stars!!!!
I like Kandi and I’m hot and cold with Nene but Kandi can’t expect to shade Nene about backing down from Marlo and think she’s not going to throw it back. Hey this is RHOA. Not sure what she was expecting ….
I swear I never laughed so hard when Nene yelled “I SAID WHAT I SAID!!” and Kandi came back with “WELL WHAT YOU SAID WAS SOME BULLSH*T” Lmao!!!!!!!