By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
While the fate of “Basketball Wives Miami” remains up in the air, Evelyn Lozada’s life hasn’t slowed down much. In fact, the reality star is now engaged to Los Angeles Dodgers player Carl Crawford, and the couple had a baby boy a few months ago.
With Evelyn’s life changing so drastically since divorcing Chad Johnson over physical assault, it’s no surprise she expressed her disgust with the Ray Rice situation.
After slamming Ray for assaulting his now wife in an elevator during an argument, Evelyn also came to a very surprising realization too.
She tweets (read tweets from top to bottom):
I’m glad she understood that it was karma because it damn sure was.
I don’t like to say any woman deserves to be assaulted by a a man but I can see why Evelyn feels what happened to her was karma. She pretty much abused other women and ended up becoming a victim herself. Some would say it was karma. Either way, I hope if she does do BBW again, she will have some sense.
I agree. Chad had no right to do what he did, but I do think everything happens for a reason, and we all reap what we sow.
No woman deserves to be abused but Evelyn has been an abuser herself for a long time. She was a terror on BBW and it wasn’t until the shoe was on the other foot that she finally saw her actions as foolish.
Of course it was karma. I bet she won’t throw bottles at another woman again.
Or jump on tables to fight someone.
Lol. Can’t forget that.
I’m a huge believer in karma and I said since day one that what happened to Evelyn was just her getting karma for how she did all those girls on BBW!!! But I do think Evelyn really has changed because she seems like such a happier person.
I agree! I also hope BMW never returns, so Evelyn, Tami and Nostrils never grace my screen ever again.
That’s the thing with violence. If you believe in it and use it on other people, eventually someone will be violent towards you. I wonder if Evelyn still think it’s cute to fight. Probably not.
So how ling did it take her to come to this obvious conclusion?
Until she got with Carl Crawford.
She wasn’t saying this when it happened though.
*blank stare*
It’s amazing how much MLB dyck and new child support opportunities can make things clear to a person.
Yeah she would change her tune now that she’s gotten Carl Crawford to wife her up.
Wow, very mature of her to admit.
It’s sad it took her this long to see that she was acting a fool on BBW. But better late than never.
girl bye
I’m still not really so sure she’s changed.
They don’t need to bring BBW back. Let it stay where it is.
I can’t knock her for admitting the truth.
Evelyn is so full of it.
Her man’s net worth has her all positive and stuff. Lol.
Duh? LOL.
Girl shut up. If Carl ever leaves you and gives you hell about child support like he’s doing his other baby mama, you’ll be right back to acting a fool on TV.