By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The protests over Ferguson’s failure to press charges against Mike Brown’s killer Darren Wilson continue, and now it’s been confirmed that Wilson has now resigned from the police department for safety reasons.
The New York Times writes:
The officer, Darren Wilson, who had worked in the department since 2011, submitted a resignation letter, said Neil J. Bruntrager, the lawyer. In the letter, first published in The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Mr. Wilson said: “It was my hope to continue in police work, but the safety of other police officers and the community are of paramount importance to me. It is my hope that my resignation will allow the community to heal.”
Spotted at Fameolous
The Klan sent him that much money huh?
You know they did.
Just like Zimmerman, I’m sure sick people have donated enough money to him that resigning isn’t even a big deal. We live in an evil world.
I hope he never has peace in his life.
I hope this murderer ends up becoming a public spectacle like Zimmerman did.
This doesn’t make things better. I’m sure he can go to some small town and become a cop again.
This means nothing. He was going to resign all along but waited until after the verdict so that resigning prior to wouldn’t seem like admission of guilt. So they can all jump off a cliff with this…I can’t stand how this situation has unfolded. So damn disrespectful.
He is about to be a father. He has created a shameful legacy for his child. But even worse, karma doesn’t always show up right away…his sins will be visited on his offspring, make my words.
I hope this case follows him wherever he goes.