Demetria McKinney Wants You to Know…

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Are Demetria McKinney and Roger Bobb still together? “Real Housewives of Atlanta” newbie Demetria McKinney’s storyline pretty much revolves around her 8 year off and on again relationship with Roger Bobb, but when Kandi Burruss’ friend Gocha told Demetria she dated Bobb while he was with her and he simply told her Demetria was just an artist he worked with, Demetria was left embarrassed.

However, Demetria claims she believes Gocha lied and was only desperate for screen time.

She also took to her Instagram account to let folks know she’s very much still dating Roger Bobb:

demetria instagram

demetria instagram 2


  1. I’m willing to bet Kandi’s friend wasn’t lying at all. If a man is with you for 8 years and hasn’t proposed, he doesn’t take you seriously.

  2. Chile please! It’s apparent ol’ Roger will hit anything with a vag, and he definitely was flirting his a-s off with Kenya last nite. Where the heck do they find these delusional broads from?

      1. Chile The oddest thing is your sickening obsession with Kenya. Let it go boo. And Save that team twirl/stan mess for the next.

        1. You again? How many times are you going to respond to me when I’m not talking to you and change your names on here just to do it? You’re the last one to talk about obsession. I mean you care more about what I post than the two Kenya stans on here. Now beat it.

          1. LOL!!! I love the RHOA posts on here because it’s always a war zone. But I love that most of us can go at it on the RHOA articles and be cool on the other ones. It’s not that deep. She’s telling you to let it go but she’s the one who keeps looking for you. I just say my 2 cents and leave. But you’re famous on here fam. The same person keeps coming for you over something you said to them 20 posts ago. I guess you stroke a nerve. Keep getting under people’s skin in 2015 boo. And Kenya is the queen and you will deal. 🙂

        2. Who the hell are you stealing my damn name for this bullish-t? I don’t like Kenya or her lame a-s stans either because y’all do annoying sh-t like this. Kenya is out here stealing phones and you’re out here stealing names being thirsty. Stalk people with your own damn name next time.

          -The Real Troll

          1. Meh, I knew it wasn’t you. I know who it is. It’s the same pressed person from MANY posts ago.

  3. Only thing unbreakable is her delusions. These faux famous and the lengths they’ll go through to keep the camera on them is funny as hell.

  4. How old is she again? I don’t mean to be nasty, but I would think at her age she would understand that rarely do grown women lie about sharing your man with you. And in ATL, I would think men would have so many options that dating multiple women at once would be pretty easy to pull off.

      1. Yep, she sure was! Lala’s cousin was smitten – big time. Heard she and the cousin, Dice are still dating, and Gocha is angling for Nene or Phaedra’s spot on the show. She was also on LA Hair acting a fool, so methinks home girl is just another thirsty Atlantian looking to get paid on any reality show that will take her.

  5. Liked her on House of Pain. Did not know she was an “Artist”, that scene last night was a little awkward. Is she a recurring cast member now?

    1. Yeah, she’s recurring now sis. She was supposed to get a peach, but they decided to give it to Claudia instead.

  6. If you’re not married to this man, you’re nothing but a boody call. If a man can keep you hanging on for those many years…why marry you? If you can get the milk free, why buy the cow? Demetria, wake up before you lose your dignity, if you have any left!

  7. Lady please whatever you have to tell yourself to try to save face. And she about to be on my sh-t list cause I see for next episode she let Kenya hype her and come for Phaedra and try to clown but her man ain’t claimed her in 8 years so she don’t want to go down that road.

  8. I’m embarrassed for her. Some women will believe anything their man tells them and refuse to use common sense. Kandi’s friend ain’t lying. And I bet she’s not the only one he was messing around with while he was with Demetria.

  9. “Yawn”…By the end of the season the producers will realize the mistake they made with these new broads. Hell, they might be clinging on to their seats at this very moment. #Bored

  10. She sure???? She’s been messing wit this “ordinary” non cute dude for 8yrs and allowed him to be on and off and they ain’t been engaged or anything??? She is delusional or the more harsher word DUMB!!!

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