By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
“Empire” has become such a big hit for FOX that it has people once again recognizing Taraji P. Henson’s impressive skills as an actress and Cookie so far is the most popular character on the series.
While many of Taraji’s fans are happy for the actress’ big moment, no one is more proud of her than her “Babyboy” costar Tyrese.
He penned a heartfelt message to Taraji on his Instagram account hours ago:
He sounds smitten by her.
His other half? Are they f-cking?
This was really sweet of him. I like that he supports her. How can you not love Taraji?
He seems like a decent human being outside of Twitter.
Yes preach Tyrese! I never thought I would say that lol but anyways I love Taraji she is killin it on Empire so proud of her. #Blackgirlsrock
He’s in love with her and has been for a long time but she won’t date him because she doesn’t believe in dating her peers. That’s another reason I have so much respect for her.
So sweet!!!
*sheds a gangsta tear* This was really nice.
Gangster tear? Lmmfao. I can’t.
Yeah she’s killing it on Empire.
Oh and I read that Black-ish had another bad week in ratings. I absolutely hate that they have pit these two great black shows against each other. Smh.
NOOOOO! Damn I love Blackish I hope they change days next season.
Well someone sounds love-struck!!! But kudos to him for acknowledging what a wonderful actress Taraji is. Between her, Shonda, Kerry, Viola, and even Gabrielle, we’re really doing our thing on tv. # blackgirlsrocksodamnhard
She’s one of my faves. Love her.
Are they dating? He called her his better half.
Yassssss Cookie
Let me find out.