Karrueche Brags About Chris Brown’s Jealous Ways

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Karrueche Tran and Chris Brown’s on and off relationship keeps both in the headlines, and neither seem to mind the public scrutiny they get from their controversial romance.

The couple got sentimental on their Instagram accounts for Valentine’s Day and now Karrueche decided to show everyone how solid they are right now by bragging about Chris’ jealous ways.

Apparently she thought it was sweet that the singer had his bodyguard keeping other men out her hotel room during her All Stars trip:

 karrueche instagram

karrueche twitter


  1. The things these young people take pride in nowadays? What does that say about you a-s that he has to block your tw-t with a bodyguard? I’m way too old for this sh-t!!!! SMDH!

  2. This girl blows my mind. I used to like her but the constant break up and making up is ANNOYING. Who brags about a man’s controlling behavior? And I really wish she would stop calling his big bae. I hate the word bae.

    1. Didn’t she like a meme Chris posted on IG that said if your girl trusts you, you’re ugly? I think she is proud her man gets it thrown at him daily. She’s that dumb.

  3. She’s too easily impressed. I would blame it on her age but I think her issues are deeper than that. These young women are so clueless. They will put up with anything as long as a man is famous and has money.

    1. I think these young people are just so lost and confused. And to think some people actually aspire to have a relationship like Chris and Kae. Smh.

  4. What’s cute about a man being controlling when he has a history of being violent and abusive towards women? Karrueche has to be the dumbest chick I’ve ever seen.

  5. I know the bodyguard and he’s here to protect her from the crazy fan and stalker and he make sure they were not be followed to the hotel

    1. But she shouldn’t have any fans or stalkers. Like what does she even do? We only know her because she dates Chris.

  6. Bless her heart. How old is this girl again?? And Is that Christina’s pathetic butt behind the door holding it open while the pictures is being taken?

  7. She makes the same struggle face in all of her “modeling” pictures. Opening your mouth in all your pictures doesn’t make you official. Yawn.

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