By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
“R&B Divas LA” star Lil Mo shocked fans when she confirmed over a year ago that she had separated from her husband Phillip Bryant. She later revealed they called it quits because both of them cheated on each other, but it didn’t take long Mo to find love again with boxer Karl “Dynamite” Dargan.
The couple got hitched not too long after revealing their romance to the public and now it appears they also have a bundle of joy on the way too.
Dynamite posted the following to Instagram moments ago:
Lil Mo already has four other children from two previous marriages.
What’s new?
So she marries all her baby daddies. Well congrats to them I guess.
Are we supposed to forget her dude is gay? I didn’t get that memo.
She said it was just a publicity stunt. I don’t believe her though.
That’s why i don’t have much to say.
She’s very fertile.
Just a waste of talent.
She’s the same one who said she loves falling in love and marrying different men. So this won’t be her last marriage or child sadly. But congrats anyway.
5 kids and she’s on the third marriage? How old is Mo?
*blank stare*
If you don’t have anything nice to say…..
^^^^^Me neither.^^^^^^
It’s her v-gina and her life, but I hope this is her last husband.
Well she’s officially the black Kim Kardashian…her lifelong dream.
Well at least she married and not just having babies outta wedlock…now would be something to talk about
This woman stays getting married and popping out kids. She can SANG though.
At least she’s not just shackin up
I’m shacking up meanwhile I have no kids and no divorces before the age of 40. What’s your point?