By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
We told you a year ago sources in Atlanta were claiming Mimi Faust orchestrated her raunchy video deal with Nikko and Vivid Entertainment from day one despite her pretending to be a victim, but now the reality star will confirm such in the upcoming episode of “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta.”
Although Mimi finally comes clean and can finally take the weight of hiding the truth off of her shoulders, her truth doesn’t exactly help Nikko and Margeaux solve their marriage issues.
After Mimi admits the obvious, Margeaux confronts Nikko and brings him to tears. Check out the preview below:
So Margeaux is the one who cheated. Wow. I thought Nikko cheated.
and hold on how the hell r they drowning each other? i thought only water signs drowned each other? omg cancer+scorpio need about 7 or 8 life guards LOL
Margeaux is fine as hell.
You think so? Her hair is throwing me off.
These people are really fu-ked up
So Mimi comes clean. It’s about time.
LOL. They are trying to make Nikko seem likable.
Well duh of course Mimi was in on the s-x tape. But when are they going to start exposing Nikko and Margeaux as con artists. We already know Mimi is a low down pathetic piece of ish. Big deal she cheated on him I thought they had an open marriage it’s time to start exposing Nikko and Margeaux’s dirt we need some new tea on LHHATL so sick of hearing about this sex tape.
Amem! They didn’t tell us anything about Mimi we hadn’t already guessed.
I’m tired of all of them.
This may be fake but this did make Nikko seem more human to me.
only time u’ll ever see a capricorn cry. aside form the 1 time mimi broke lol. so scrapbook the 1 time u ever catch a cappie cry LOL
A mess.
Lol. I luh mimi…. that one scene is stuck in my head when stevie gave her and joseline those rings at the same time… she did that laugh and was like “classic stevie j” i loved that scene… n wats up with stevie n joseline havent heard too much abput them this season? blogs usually keep me updated. Ive missed this whole season
Mimi is their meal ticket.
And Stevie was hers.