By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Several months ago Khloe Kardashian and Amber Rose got into a heated Twitter beef because Amber claimed she felt Kylie Jenner acts a little too grown up for her age, and now the reality star is opening up about the controversial feud in her new interview with Complex Magazine.
On her issue with Amber, she says:
“I just feel like it was unnecessary for her to say anything, and I used her own quote back. It was from her talking about when she became a stripper so I’m like, “How are you judging and saying Kylie should have a curfew?” What I thought was crazy was she was telling my sister to act a certain way or have a curfew, but [she wasn’t] doing the same. So just don’t comment. How was I s***-shaming by saying don’t throw stones at glass houses? There was no s***-shaming. I am not one to s***-shame, I have done s****y behavior myself.”
On Kylie and Tyga dating, despite her not being legal:
“Kylie might be 17, but from what Kylie has been through and the life she lives, she’s not a normal 17-year-old.
“I think at 16 I was probably f***ing someone that was in their 20s, for sure. I wouldn’t say I was even dating, probably just sleeping with them. But again Kylie is not a normal 17-year-old. You’re not gonna say, “Hey, so what are you doing this weekend?” and have her say, “Having a slumber party at my girlfriend’s,” or “Going to prom.” That’s not what Kylie does. Kylie is taking business meetings and bought her first house, or she’s going on a private plane with Karl Lagerfeld to take a meeting. That’s not even what people do in their 30s. It’s a rare circumstance, so let’s treat this as a special case.”
Check out her cover below:
So being a fast tail at a young age runs in their family. I figured that much.
Kris was the same way. All they see is fame and dollar signs. Tyga can’t make them money but he keeps people talking about Kylie.
I wouldn’t expect anyone in this family to see anything wrong with Kylie sleeping with a 25 year old man who also happens to be a father. They are so trashy.
She’s proud of that fake a-s she purchased. But I need her to understand she will never be sexy.
She’s just not cute to me. And Amber dragged the sh-t out of her. That day was glorious.
When we say they are a family of hoes, we weren’t making it up. LMBO.
They are so clueless. All these “connections”and the best older man Kylie could pull was Tyga? A bum? LOL.
From Jaden Smith to Tyga. LMBO.
This is exactly why I can’t take these people serious. Khloe sounds so stupid so because Kylie is rich and privileged it’s ok for her to be in a relationship with a grown man. To put it bluntly she is basically saying if you’re underage and rich you can have sex with grown men. These people are disgusting and North doesn’t have a chance in hell with this family.
basically what she’s saying is Kylie lives on her own she ears her own cheque pay her own bills bought her own home. America maybe the exception,but most countries in the western world the consent age is 16
Kylie’s “career” came from Kim’s loose p-ssy and Ray J’s black d-ck. Sit your a-s down.
So let me get this straight according to you and Khloe’s logic because she is able to take care of herself financially she can do as she pleases with a grown man age be damned. So this logic also supports a 12 year child actor dating a grown man because according to y’all as long as they can support themselves financially that gives them the right to do as they please smh.
I’m over them and their fake body parts.
They have no morals.
I’m not gonna loose sleep over Kylie love life. I know cissy Houston would be glad if Bobby Kristina was alive and be with a man old enough to be her father than where she’s now. Sometimes the people who we think are amoral turn out to be the adult. Whitney was the good girl Madonna was the slut. the rest speaks for it self
Of course you won’t lose sleep. All you and your kind see is dollar signs when it comes to these hoes. You actually think that the Kardashians don’t do drugs? Lmao I have a damn bridge to sell you. You don’t honestly believe Lamar’s crackhead a-s wasn’t getting high with Khloe at first? Damn you’re so gullible.
And do you honestly think Madonna is drug free? Newsflash. Not every celebrity who does drugs dies from an overdose. A lot of them are able to keep that sh-t private.
If you’re going to be trash and compare our black celebrities to those white wh****, at least use your common sense. Sh-t.
And just to add Khloe has lost like two or three friends in a matter of months and I think I read some of those deaths were a result of drugs. Khloe even struggled with alcohol at one point too. Don’t assume they are some wholesome family with a bad reputation just because you stan for them. They are still very much Hollyweird. Lol.