By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
R&B singer Rihanna is Vanity Fair’s current cover girl, but her interview piece is causing quite the stir on social media today.
Rachel Dolezal riled up the black community when she was busted for pretending to be a black woman, and the NAACP leader still doesn’t see the problem with her disgusting actions.
Surprisingly, Rihanna appears to think Rachel is a “hero” nonetheless.
She tells Vanity Fair:
“I think she was a bit of a hero, because she kind of flipped on society a little bit. Is it such a horrible thing that she pretended to be black? Black is a great thing, and I think she legit changed people’s perspective a bit and woke people up.”
The singer also opened up about Chris Brown and one night stands too.
Click next to find out where she stands with Chris Brown today.
I don’t agree with her about Rachel cause I don’t see that woman as being anybody’s hero. But that was just a small part of a very insightful interview. Definitely was worth the read. Plus, she slayed in the pics, per usual.
Wow, she’s really not the smartest. Well I guess her fans don’t mind as long as she’s still pretty, dresses well and takes nice pictures right?
She’s smart enough to create an empire tho! And this will be forgotten about by the end of the day. Lmao.
Kim Kardashian has an empire…so what does that mean? You don’t have to be smart to make money in America stan. Rihanna is still a simpleton.
Girl you do know it’s ok for you to disagree with your fave right?
She’s going to get dragged by Black Twitter. Anyway, she looks beautiful on the cover. I’m not going to say much more because I really wish her and Chris would stop talking about each other.
A hero really girl please. Anybody else would be getting dragged but because she is Rihanna she getting a pass but she sounds very stupid and ignorant.
Rihanna must have been high. Had to be.
Some things are better left unsaid. It seems the more celebrities talk the more stupid they sound which lets you know reading and comprehension are not factors.
Girl what? Rachel ain’t no damn hero.
Now I like Rih but this interview has me giving her the side eye. And can they stop asking her about Chris now?
Rihanna is such an airhead. How the hell is Rachel a hero when she lied about being black to reap the benefits? I swear this chick turns me off more and more. She needs to just stop talking.
An airhead because she has an opinion you don’t agree with? You sound bitter. Lmao.
Rihanna needs to clear this up ASAP. She’s getting dragged on Twitter and I never thought I’d see the day.
No Rihanna no!!!!!
Well this an idiotic statement. I still like her though.
She’s starting to get on my nerves. It’s like she’s at a crossroad or something. Maybe she’s trying to change her image idk but she’s not coming off authentic anymore. And talking about Chris? Just stop. Drop #R8 and get back to slaying girl.
Rih gotta explain the Rachel comment. Immediately.
Well I wouldn’t say the Rachel lady is a hero…..but she was and is very brave…..she has did her just due pretending to be Black and actually I am flattered….she was living as a Black woman….being very respectful to our race. She didn’t do a Kardashian or Cyrus and mock us…..I guess I’m the minority cuz I totally agree wit Rihanna on all the other stuff…… I actually been thru some of the shyt she is talking about…..I appreciate how open and real she is
You and riri need reality checks. Imitation is not always flattery. She did more harm than good (alienate Afro Latinos, white passing black folks will have it harder a la Shaun King, and more). She faked race crimes. There’s nothing brave about being a con artist. Open your eyes.
I agree 100 percent. She faked being black for her own selfish reasons.
I guess Rihanna doesn’t know Rachel actually sued a hbcu for discrimination as a white woman. Rachel doesn’t genuinely love black culture. She uses black culture to her advantage and has been for years.
Just a mess SMH
A hero? No, more like a con artist.
This Wh0re of Babylon was probably high or drunk when she gave the interview. She sounds so dumb calling Rachel Dolezal a hero.
No ma’am.
Wayment! So we dragged Michael B Jordan to hell and back for what he said but Rihanna gets a slap on the wrist? Now UB fam, y’all got some explaining to do!
Michael has opened his mouth and inserted it many times about black people and our ongoing issues with representation in this country. Rihanna saying one thing that we don’t agree with doesn’t deserve the epic dragging that Michael would get.
I’m not feeling that cheap a-s red lacefront she has on. But back to the topic, if she talks about Chris’ punk a-s one more time I’ma scream. What more is left to say about that old a-s sh-t? And she can get the f-ck on praising Rachel’s single white female a-s. That b-tch has some loose screws and no I’m not moved she spent her whole life pretending to be black because I don’t find con artists admirable.
I knew she would get dragged for the Hero comments. Hey, it is her opinion, like it or not, agree with it or not, we all are entitled to our own. Overall I liked the interview.
Y’all see those pictures of Rih kissing Travis in the club? Lol!!
I can’t
She’s entitled to her own opinion even wrong ones.
Did she lose her mind? Hero Rih? Really?
Hero and Rachel Dolezal do not belong in the same sentence smh.