By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Reality star and former music industry executive Memphitz claims his career tanked after K Michelle accused him of physically assaulting her while they dated.
Even though K is no longer in his life, Memphitz can’t seem to stay out of trouble.
Now Memphitz found more problems in LA.
Click next for the details.
K called it.
This mof-cka is batsh-t crazy. Any woman who still gives him the p-ss despite being shown this is a certified idiot.
If Toya hasn’t removed him from her life yet she is a fool!!
Damn what is his problem? Is he on drugs? He acts really erratic like he’s high most of the time.
He could have gotten himself killed. Dummy.
This man has a lot of issues.
Nothing surprises me with him anymore. Nothing.
What the hell?
LOL. I cant.
It’s always everyone else’s fault but his. What a loser.
I’m so sick of this man.
You ain’t the only one! He’s a menace!
He is retarded…….
He just won’t sit down somewhere.
Ugh whatever.
The f-ck is wrong with this troll?!!!! Does he do this kind of stuff for attention or is he really this crazy?!!!
Memphitz needs to get therapy. He has clearly been affected by his father’s murder. I don’t understand why some people are too prideful to get help when they need it.