DL Hughley Checks Fox News

According to reports, when DL agreed to appear on Fox News and discuss police brutality, he checked the network a few times too.

The Jasmine Brand writes:

Things got heated last night, between D.L. Hughley and Megyn Kelly. The comedian/author appeared on Megyn’s Fox Show “The Kelly File”. Hughley was speaking about the recent death of Philando Castile, but appeared upset when he learned Mark Fuhrman was also invited on the Fox News show to comment on police shootings. As you know, Fuhrman was convicted of perjury after denying the use of the N-word in the 1995 O.J. murder Simpson trial. Anywho, the conversation became heated when Kelly brought up the case of Mike Brown, an unarmed teen shot to death by Darren Wilson in Ferguson. During their exchange, Hughley told her,

“The only place racism doesn’t exist is Fox News and the police department. That’s absolutely true.”

And to this, Kelly responded,

“That’s insulting. You just insulted millions of people watching this channel.”

And Hughley replied:

“And I’m insulted by the things I hear on this network, so we’re even. I could care less about insulting people that insult me on a daily basis.”

[mfb_video url=”https://www.facebook.com/RealDLHughley/videos/1361010497274617/?pnref=story.unseen-section” size=”500″ mbottom=”50″]

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  1. I never (and I mean never) watch Fox News, but I sincerely hope that all of their staff doesn’t conduct interviews in this manner. She looks foolish. Standing ovation to D.L. for the way he handled this. Amidst all the pain and anger associated with recent events, it has been so comforting and empowering to see our people out here representing in a way where others HAVE to pay attention and acknowledge what has been minimized for so long.

  2. She didn’t even have a come back DL checked her with facts. Now Fox news insults black people all day everyday with subtle and not so subtle racism but she has the audacity to say DL is insulting the nerve smh. It always blows my mind to hear these idiots at FOX talk like we really like live in a rainbow colored world and discrimination and police brutality is a figment of our imagination. Props to DL!!!

  3. I don’t even know why he went to that racist network. We really need to start paying those devils dust.

  4. F-ck this goofy a-s racist b-tch. And the nerve of her acting like she has some dignity when all the females on that station had to f-ck that geezer to get on. They got some nerve acting like they are superior when they had to f-ck for Fox checks. The tea was spilled on that demonic a-ss station.

  5. These racists love to pretend like racism isn’t real and blacks ain’t dying out here by cops. And they have been trying their hardest to paint Philando as some thug but they couldn’t find anything so now they want to bring up Mike Brown again. No b-tch, we’re talking about Philando. Keep up c-nt.

  6. Well I mean it’s not really surprising. We see how long it took Kim to forgive Faith, and Faith wasn’t the one sleeping with a married man. I never understood why Kim was pissed like she was the one being cheated on.

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